The Panther

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"I Just Need It Get It Off My Chest. Yeah, More Than You Know."

The sun was rising, birds chirping And flowers were blooming.

Seung woke up by the sun peeking at the window.

Seung sat up and yawned, she looked at the other bed to see y/n still sleeping hugging a pillow with her legs on top of another pillow.

Seung chuckled and stood up and stretch, She went at y/n's bed and shakes her shoulders to wake her up.

"Hey Panda wake up..." Seung said while still shaking her.

Seung used Y/n's Animal Nickname as she see her as one, So Seung calls her Panda and Y/n calls her Polar.

Y/n woke up and looked at the person who was ruining her dream about her kissing a girl, Her gay ass was so mad at Seung that she headbutted Seung but missed.

Seung chuckled at that antics of her.

"Get up before I kiss you." Seung said and walked away and get her outfit, and headed to the bathroom.

"Then kiss me." Y/n said with confidence oozing.

Seung looked back at her and smirked as she approached her Best friend, As she got nearer at the bed she started to crawl towards y/n.

Y/n's confidence was yeeted out the window as she started to get nervous and Hot, Seung's hands were both at y/n's sides as her face was inching closer to y/n.

Seung licked her lips, Y/n saw that and began to Gay panic more.

Y/n was a blushing mess and her mind was going crazy on what to do.

Does she make the first move and kiss her first and be like a confident queen she is?


Push her away and be a Pussy?

As Seung went closer and closer her hot breath lingering at y/n's lips that made y/n look at Seung's pink plump lips.

Y/n looked back at Seung's eyes to find her staring at her lips, Y/n gay panicked more.

Her heart was going crazy so is her mind.

"No words and numbers can describe how beautiful you are honey...." Seung said her lips an inch closer to y/n's.

Y/n found herself closing her eyes.

As Seung leaned closer.....

"Why are you puckering your lips like that? You look like a duck..."

Y/n opened her eyes to see Seung just sitting right in front of her.

"w-what i-i...i t-thought.. Y-you.. Uhm... What.. I-i m-mean-"

"You thought I was about to kiss you?" Seung continued what y/n was about to say.







Seung stopped laughing and smirked at y/n.

"I don't mind doing that to you honey, Just don't scream too loud~" Seung said and soon began to laugh again at Y/n's Red face.


"ok guys! Listen up, group 2 will be joining us in our adventure. So please get to know each other ok? Now let's go!" Seung announced at her team and the others nodded and smiled at the other group, Group 2 doing the same.

They headed to their destination and began singing, sleeping, partying at their van as they wait for their arrival at the secluded place.


Both groups have arrived at their destination and got out of their van, They walked inside the cave and flashed their flashlights.

They saw a panterns head on a stick that made some of them puke or scream.

They saw a ripped flag over someone's bones, Seung took it and the flag was a Symbol of a Black Panther.

Ryujin took the flag as Seung gave it to her.

They continued to walk and saw a Coal, Seung lighted up a match and throws it at the coals that soon made a fire.

The cave was now more clear to see thanks to the fire, They saw an exit so they went there.

As they went out of the exit they saw some tribe house and some dead bodies.

They shivered to see blood over the wall of the house and the ground.

Some of them puked again.

More like Nayeon puked again.

Seung saw a throne.

A panther was sitting in it.

"what the hell? Everybody is dead except for that panther!? How in the world!??!?" Ryujin Exclaimed.

The panther was looking down at Ryujin.

Ryujin shivered at the panthers gaze as if Ryujin was like him too.

Seung saw a scroll just beside the panthers paws.

The panthers eyes glowed that made the others shock as they never see one has glowing eyes.

The panthers eyes were maroon.

And it was glowing.

The panther then stood up to it's throne and vanished with lightning zapping and smoke trapping them.

One of them got zapped by the lightning but didn't felt anything.

A symbol was made at that persons shoulder, But vanished.

They were coughing as the smoke cleared out and the scroll was now opened and floating up in the air.

Their eyes widen and went to the scroll.

A Letter For The Next Ruler Of The Panthers.

If You Have Read This Please Keep it.
If someone who is not the next ruler and is just a curious traveler please do still keep it.
I am the 3rd generation of the panthers Queen or should i say ruler of the panthers.
This is my last message before I die for the war.
As I die you will See a panther in my throne.
That is where my spirit went as I died.
It will wait for the next ruler.
It will vanish.
And it won't reveal who is the next throne keeper.
But please if ever the 4th generation die.
The Soul Keeper will keep it until it's soul is at peace.
Please rebuild our Kingdom.
This will be your new home.
This will be your sacrifice.

Please save our people.


The others were still shock at what they have read.

But still composed themselves And headed back to their van to go to the next message.

"You Should Know That Baby Your The Best. Yeah, More Than You Know."

To Be Continued...

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