You Better Run

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"If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by?"

As The date of the two friends finished.

Jake fist bumped the air as he celebrated.

"I just took Rin noona out! Yes! Yes! Yes--" Jake's celebration stopped when someone shouted.


Jake turned around and his eyes widen.

He saw a fuming betrayed monkey beside the shook phoenix.

"Oh shit..."

"If I ever hear nor see you date Rin unnie.... I will put you 6 feet under the ground." Lisa Threatened the boy.

Because last time when Jake had a girlfriend he broke up with her because "Feelings change".

Lisa felt extremely pissed by that, that's why she doesn't wanna see Jake dating her Unnie.

Jake slowly turned away from Lisa....

And ran.

"Hey what the--" Lisa chased Jake.

Seung's eyes widen as she saw Lisa chasing Jake like a mad monkey, so she chased them too.


Lisa saw Jake made a clean turn to the left.

So she made a sharp turn that made her shoes screech to the ground as it made a print.

"Oh my Lord is she really pissed? Overprotective my God--" Seung thought as she made a turn too.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Jake shouted terrified at the woman who was chasing him.

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!? WHY. ARE. YOU. RUNNING!?" Lisa shouted at Jake.

"Oh my God Jihyo did she used the meme?" Seung said to herself as she jumped and landed at her feet from the man who was riding his bike.

Jake saw the green light at the Highway.

Cars were moving.

Jake ran pass the speeding cars as the people in it honked at him, Jake made a peace sign to them.

He looked back and saw Lisa...

"You think I'm stupid bitch!?" Lisa shouted.

She slide over the top of the car and it made the people inside it shook.

"Oh My Jesus..." Seung jumped on the hood of the car and jumped to the next car and saw a truck.

Lisa and Jake stopped and looked back.

"I didn't do gymnastics if I failed this shit!" Seung said while she jumped and Did a back flip and passed by the truck and landed perfectly to the ground.

Seung's eyes turned sky blue.

Lisa looked back at Jake and chased him again.

Jake flinched and ran away again.

Jake saw an alleyway so he turned left to go there and he saw a fence and climbed over it.

Lisa grinned.

"That ain't gonna stop me punk!" Lisa busted through the fence.

"How the fuck did she do that without making her bangs sway left and right?" Seung asked herself.

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