What Are You Doing Here?

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"Sunshine on a rainy day
You who resembles the sunshine
Where are you right now?"

As Seung and the others continued to drive they were stopped by three vans, Seung stopped the van and got out.

"Hui? What are you doing here? I thought you don't want to join?" Seung asked confused.

"Oh yeah, I don't care Bitch. I'm here for my girlfriend, So Soojin come out there!" Hui shouted.

"I already told you I'm breaking up with you!" Soojin shouted back.

"I don't care! I didn't say yes so let's go!" Hui shouted and grabbed Soojin's wrist harshly and pulled her to get to his van.

"HEY! Don't take my Jinjin you psychopath!" Shuhua shouted at Hui and grabbed Soojin's other wrist and pulled her to hers.

"Grr, you nosy ass Bitch!" Hui shouted and pushed Shuhua.

"I thought your not interested Hoe? So what really is your intention going here and stop us?" Seung stepped up to defend The two girls.

"Heh, I came here for the scrolls. I heard that if you get them you get this amazing powerful powers." Hui said smirking.

"And I already have the Phoenix's, I know you have the rest. So give it to me Bitch!" Hui barked and pushed Seung.

Y/n looked at her side to see a Phoenix, Y/n's eyes widen.

If Hui has the scroll.... Then why the hell is the phoenix here and didn't gave Hui it's powers??

Y/n saw some dark shadows appearing at Hui's back, In fact he didn't get the phoenix cause he was not the chosen one.

He was the demon himself.

"As far as I know the chosen one can only get the Legends Souls you dimwit." y/n said that made the others look at her.

A group of boys got out of the vans and circled the girls.

"Give me the scrolls Kang."

Seung smirked.

"Show me you powers then asshole."

Hui Faced his palm at Seung, black fire spreading at his hands.

"Your not the chosen one...." Seung said as she saw that his fires were not Blue, Purple, Orange, Green nor Red it was Black.

"SHUT UP!" Hui shouted And throws the fire at Seung, luckily Seung catches it.

The others gasped on how Seung managed to catch that.

The black fire turned blue as Seung's eyes glowed blue.

Hui's eyes widen and got more Angrier that dark flames started surrounding him.

Hui looked at Soojin then blast a fire to her everyone eyes widen as the fire was too fast so they couldn't push Soojin away immediately.

Soojin opened her eyes to see the black fire was gone and Hui was shocked.

They looked at the person who have flames surrounding her as she manage to attack Hui's Fire to not damage Soojin.

The Lion glared at Hui and growled.

"S-shuhua...." Soojin mumbled looking at her saviour.

Shuhua's Gold Glowing Eyes was mesmerizing.

Her hair flowed freely at the wind as flames were attached to her shoulder.

Flames surrounding her as she looked at Hui with so much anger but soon relaxed as she felt Soojin looking at her.

Tzuyu's eyes turned Black and pupils white as her wings turned black and horns started appearing at her head. Her scythe appeared as she grab it.

Ryujin's eyes turned maroon and her arms and legs produced lightnings her veins were showing as she clenched her fist.

Yongsun's eyes turned grey and her one handed axe appeared flying towards her as she grabs it.

"Is this what you want Hui?" Seung said as her eyes glowed more bluer and her hair flowed at the air as she clasped her hands that formed into a sword and slashed it to the air with blue flames surrounding her.

"Phoenix doesn't suit you Hui..... But a demon can."

"ATTACK!" Hui shouted as the boys started attacking them.

They were actually souls from the dead.

Tzuyu snapped her fingers that made some skeletons appear.

Nayeon shrieked and hid behind Jihyo who just laughed at her.

Shuhua charged at Hui, as they clash.

Hui made a dark fire and throws it at Soojin so Shuhua can get distracted.

Seung knew what Hui was doing so when Shuhua teleported in front of Soojin to defend her towards the dark fire.

Seung appeared in front of Hui and slashed him with blue flames.

Hui's blood dripped and he is now weak, Hui retreated as the others did too.

The girls were left there not knowing what just happened, Shuhua exhaled and fainted and Soyeon catches her And carries her on her back.

"Like a True Chain Keeper.... The Lions Best friend...." Seung chuckled.

Soyeon smiled at that as she have to take Care of Shuhua.

Tzuyu, Ryujin and Yongsun turned back to normal.

As for Seung when she turned back to normal she began vomiting blood.

"Universe connect ksksksskxjxf The God Of The Universeejddkxkkdd yflddk you arekskxkxj"

Seung's eyes widened at the voice inside her head.

The others gasped in horror.

As for y/n she ran to where Seung is.

"Oh My God, don't tell me your gonna die and leave me alone? You fucking fucktard! Don't leave me yet-" Y/n ramble at her words and Seung chuckled at that.

"I ain't dying.... I'm just poisoned.... that's all... " Seung said.

"don't worry, I'll be ok." Seung said reassuring y/n that she's ok.

Y/n teared up and Seung panicked so she hugged y/n and calmed her down.

The others awed at the sight.

"Well that went good and bad...." Tzuyu said.

"Yeah...." Ryujin said agreeing.

"well then let's get going." Irene said as they went back to their vans and car and drove to where the hotel is.

"The wind blows petals
The wind blows more and more
The leaves falling one by one"

To Be Continued...

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