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"Whenever, Wherever, We're meant to be together.. I'll be there and you'll be near. And that's the deal my dear..."

Jake stood up and dusted his clothes as Lisa still glared At him.

"Look I'm sorry ok? Please forgive me noona..." Jake apologized.

"Don't date her if your not sure with your feelings stupid small boy--"

"but noona I'm taller than you--"

"Shut up."

"Anyways.... That was fucking funny... 'Your Ass Is Mine!' was fucking iconic Lisa." Seung laughed as the football players laughed too.

"Oh By the way... Thanks for carrying me big fellas." Seung smiled.

"It's no problem noona..."

"Wait... Noona?" Seung asked curiously.

The players took of their helmet.

"It's us noona!"

"Woah! Ayah! Bangtan Boys!" Seung exclaimed.

The boys smiled.

"Oh your with Kai and Sehun!"

"How about we treat you guys dinner?" Lisa asked.

"Lisa we just ate like an hour ago...."

"That was lunch, now is dinner. Look we chased this Bitch for hours you didn't notice?"


Lisa, Seung, Jake and the players looked up and saw it was getting dim.



".......dinner it is......"

Seung looked at the boys.

"You guys have any clothes?"

The boys nodded.

"Sleepover at our dorm then.."

The boys and Lisa cheered.

"Jake you better go home, or else Lisa would woop your ass again."

"But I wanna go too..."


"Y-yes Lisa noona..."

Seung, Lisa and the boys were both standing in front of the door of Seung and Rin's dorm.

Seung opened the door and let the others in.

Rin heard so many footsteps so she went down stairs.

"Oh Hey guys..."

"Hey Rin/Rin unnie/Rin noona!"

"I'll go cook dinner you guys can chill there at our living room.." Seung said as she gestures them to take a sit.

Jin, Namjoon and Rin stared at each other.

"....Uhm... Boyfriends?"

Namjin both nodded.

Rin smiled.

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