The Lion

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"You are my Home, Home, Home..... Whenever I'm in roam"

As soon as they finished eating they went back to drive to the next scroll.

They stoped into a forest, It was still raining and they don't have any umbrella but they still want to go to the forest.

So the Sophomores And Juniors were left there At the Van while Shuhua wanted to tag along, came with them.

Seung's blue hair was now wet as the rain got more stronger.

The others were too but shrugged it off and continued to search for the cave.

They were walking until they heard a growl.

They looked everywhere on where that growl came from.

Once a loud thunder strike a lions roar suddenly was heard by them.

They were now surrounded by lions.

At the van they heard a lion roar so they went out and saw that they are being cornered by some lions.

Tzuyu activated her powers as her eyes glowed white.

The lion suddenly Gave a ripped note as Tzuyu reads it.

A Lion's Challenge can only be done if you are yourself a lion.
Flying species are not allowed as it's not a way to fight the King/Queen of this land.

"Shit...." Jihyo said worried that they might die because of this.

"Are we seriously following the rules?"

Yuqi asked.


Tzuyu whispered.

Suddenly they heard Ryujin scream while Scratching her back.

Lia got shocked and tried to approach her but got held back by Yeji and Yuna.

Chaeryeong was concerned at her friend until she saw a symbol at Ryujin's shoulder.

"The panther... SHE'S THE PANTHER!" Chaeryeong shouted that got the others attention and looked at Ryujin who is now struggling to breathe.

Ryujin growled and growled as she felt pain over her body.

She dropped to her knees and punched the ground hoping that the pain she's feeling will vanish.

Lia was now crying as she saw her Ryujin struggling.

Suddenly black smoke covered her and Maroon Glowing eyes were seen inside the smoke.

The leader of the lions faced the smoke as the other lions circled them.

A Black Panther with Maroon eyes was now seen as the black smoke vanished and ripped clothes were seen.

The other gasped in suprise as they saw that Ryujin was The Panther.

Soon the fight of The panther and the leader of the Lions began.

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