Real Identity

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"Where are you taking her?"

3rd person pov

Seung went back to her own classroom and sat at her seat, The president of the school went in front of the board and wrote down their Activity.

"Pick a partner for this activity:
Write and compose a song and present it On friday. If you can make a group, you can pick them. You can pick from the juniors and sophomores too. Name your group and give your information group to the president. That is all.

Seung tilt her head as she read the given project to the seniors, The seniors then stood up and gathered some students who can be on their team.

Seung got up her seat and walked out of their classroom, She tucked her hands to her blazer pockets and walked to where the juniors are.

Seung opened the door And saw almost half of the seniors are begging the so called 'RM' to be on their team.

Seung saw Jin, Suga and J-Hope getting cornered, Seung fake coughed loudly that got the students attention.

The three boys who got cornered raised their hands and shouted.

"I WANNA BE PARTNERED UP WITH SEUNG NOONA!" the boys shouted and ran to Seung.

Rm got curious so he went to Seung too.

"Can we noona?" Jin asked.

Seung nodded And signed to follow them.

The four boys followed Seung to the sophomore classroom, There they saw Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

Seung asked for them to join her group which they immediately nodded.

Seung smiled and told them to have a sleep over at their dorm, The boys agreed and asked Seung her phone number.


Seung went out of their classroom and headed straight to the juniors room.

Once she saw y/n she smirked at her and mumbled 'lunch' y/n pouted and stomped towards the cafeteria with Seung following along while laughing.

Seung also invited Ryujin and Lia to lunch.

"So what do you all want? My treat...." Y/n said while glaring at Seung.

"I'll have Chicken And Spaghetti please... " Ryujin said happily.

"I'll have..... Hm..... Burger and fries. And two vanilla milkshakes for me and Ryujin."
Lia told her order and holds Ryujin's hands.

"Chicken Ala King and Water please." Seung told her order and read her novel.

Y/n went to order their food.

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