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"So why don’t you stay
Please don’t go away...."

Seung's head started to ring as she got more dizzy.

She looked down at her palms.

She looked down at the ground where she fell down.

"Lisa go get Rin and tell her the end is near." said Seung with her voice trembling.

Lisa hesitated but nodded as she ran to where Rin is.

Just then...

Seung's eyes change color, it was like the color of the universe.

She saw two timelines colliding together.

The place that surrounded her started to glitch.

Her palms started to glitch.

She closed her eyes.

Once she opened them...

She saw that she's not in the place where she fell.

She was in a practice room....

With other girls...

All of the memory of the body she lives in pop up in her mind.

She looked at the full body mirror in the practice room.

She was....

The Seung of the game War Of Hearts....

"......i knew it." Seung mumbled

"Alright back to practice." Yongwan shouted while She clapped her hands.

"......." Seung stayed quite as she went to her position as they started to dance.

Rin's eyes went wide as she jumped up from the bed.

She was not with Jake anymore.

She was In her house.


"UNNIE!" Lisa shouted as she barged in Rin's bedroom.

Rin's eyes widen again as she saw Lisa's look changed.

Lisa supposed to have long orange hair.

Why is her hair short and black?

Well her bangs is still the same...

But her face matured too.

"Woh! Unnie your face looks more beautiful!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Could it be.... The dream I was having is actually happening right now?" Rin wondered.

"Where's seung?" Rin asked Lisa as she got ready.

"I know for sure we're at the game now...." Lisa mumbled.

Rin stopped at her tracks and looked at Lisa.

"......tell me everything you know..."

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