I Will Not Go Without A Warning

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"I'll be there for you, this five words I swear to you."

As soon The three girls step foot in the school gate, students who were just walking to get their lunch gasped in shock as they saw Soyeon's uniform was stained with blood.

Hui and his gang saw this and tried to run away but Jennie saw them and she scoffed at the sight.

"Lee Hoetaek you better stop right there you motherfucking lying piece of shit!" Jennie shouted that made the whole students shut up and pulled out their phone and record what's going on.

"who you calling a lying piece of shit? I don't give a fuck about you Kim. My father is friends with your mom, and plus your mom has debt to my dad so you can't kick me out nor take me to your mom." Hui smirked.


Everyone averted their eyes on Soyeon as she raised her head and looked at hui.

"what short stack?" Hui scoffed at Soyeon.

Soyeon had enough and tackled him to the ground while she punch him repeatedly.

Students gasped at the fight even teachers were terrified at the now angry fuming Soyeon.

Soyeon is known to be calm and a cool gal, So seeing her snap like this made them terrified.

Soojin saw Soyeon "her best friend" punching her boyfriend.

Soojin got mad and pushed Soyeon away making Soyeon stumble but Jennie held her shoulders so she won't fall face first.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?-- Soyeon...." Soojin shouted at Soyeon but soon her shout turned to whisper once she saw the girls bloody uniform.


The students stopped recording and looked at the over of the deep voice.

Seung made Soyeon face her and gestured her to follow Jennie to change her uniform.

Soyeon just weakly walked towards Jennie not before glaring at Hui who had his nose broken and one of his eyes bruised.

Seung walked towards Hui and the other students started shaking in fear.

Soojin stood in front of Hui and defended him, Seung showed pity and anger to her eyes.

"you have the guts to defend him after what he did?"

"whatever is your anger keep it to yourself Seung!" Soojin shouted without formalities that made the students gasp and Hui smirk.

"you foolish girl! You don't know what he did to MY BESTFRIEND!" Seung shouted now towering Soojin that made the other students back away.


Soojin was cut off as she felt a stinging pain on her cheek and her head was turned.

The students gasp and Jennie and Soyeon saw what happened gasped too.

"How dare you....." Seung whispered her voice was unable to hear as the girl who she once trusted the most when it comes to loving Shuhua before they forgot their memories say that to her.

"If she is a peasant to you then fuck you, at least treat her like a human being."

Seung turned around and walked away.

Y/n saw what happen and let Seung be, She looked at Jennie for an explanation so Jennie told her what happened.

"Tch, emotional ass Bitch." Hui said as he stood up and saw Soojin with a sad look.

"come on Soojin--"

Soojin remembered hearing Hui in the boys bathroom just outside of it, talking to someone on the phone.

"make sure she dies! Her blood. I want her blood painted in that fucking building ok!?"

"Hui. I think we need to break up."

"what are you talking about baby--"

"we're over Lee Hoetaek."

Soojin left as the students went away gossiping about Hui, Jennie told y/n to go at the cafeteria to eat.

Y/n nodded and went there not before helping Hui up...

And kicked him where it hurts, Before going to the cafeteria.

Soyeon glared at Hui and approach him.

She gave Hui an uppercut, Jennie called Soyeon telling her they can visit Shuhua.

Soyeon smiled brightly at the news and went beside Jennie, But she stopped and saw Soojin crying beside the tree.

Soyeon approached Soojin and patted her head, Jennie went beside them and told Soojin why they were angry at her ex-boyfriend.

Now Soojin understands.

Soyeon told Jennie and Soojin to wait for her so they can go together at the hospital.

Soyeon ran back at the school and barged in the cafeteria, All eyes were on her.

She approached Hui's table and slammed her fist making a loud breaking noise at the table.

The table cracked.

Hui looked up and stare at Soyeon with his poker face.

"Listen Hui boy, I better not see your ugly face in front of me nor my friends especially My Shuhua. I had enough of you since the beginning, If ever you show up yourself. I will break your bones and rip your head off, Or maybe I can Burn you alive and see your bones turn to dust, Or maybe I can feed you to sharks, Or maybe just maybe..... I'll chain you up and beat you up with a bat until you die you motherfucking asshole." Soyeon warned as her eyes were looking at them coldly.

She exits the cafeteria and went to where the two was waiting for her.

"Let's go, Jen and Soojin."

"I'm feeling better."

To Be Continued...

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