The Crow&Dove With The Eagle

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"Give me a good reason on why should I still love you?"

As they continue their journey.

One was sleeping and had a dream.

"Wake up...."

"Wake up!"


Shuhua woke up and saw that she was laying on a ground with fire all around her.

She looks around and saw a burning house.

"Isn't that.... My house?" Shuhua said as she saw her house burning.

"Who.... HEY! WHO ARE YOU!" Shuhua shouted at the figure she saw in front of her house.

It was a girl, with gold glowing eyes and her hair is like a lion's mane made out of fire.

Her hands and feet covered with flames.

A tail that was made out of fire wagging.

The Girl with flames stood up and slowly walked towards Shuhua.

As the girl continues to walk towards Shuhua, Shuhua saw that the Girl kinda looks like her.

"W-what.. Hey! S-stay back!"

"Don't be like that.... In fact.... Were the same person... But from another universe..."

While that happen, Seung and Y/n dreamt the same dream as Shuhua.

They witnessed the other Shuhua and their Shuhua.

"Wait, are we in Taiwan? The burning forest at the game! Shuhua.... That Shuhua must be the Shuhua on the video game!"


Seung flinched at the voice and woke up immediately, same with y/n and Shuhua.

Y/n just shrugged at what she dreamt of And Shuhua just forgets it, But Seung didn't.

They saw two caves.

Seung decided to split the group.

Group 1 will go to the 2nd cave And Group 2 will go to the 1st cave.

As groups both went inside the cave of course flashing their flashlight, They soon found light And went their.

For Group 1 they saw an Eagle at the throne, With the next scroll.

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