Spanish Sahara

102 7 3

"Forget The Horror here...
Forget the horror here...
Leave it all down here...
It's future rust and it's future dust..."

As the others continued mourning over their lost.

Eric stood up ready to unleash his full power.

Until the portal of hell opened up and a figure jumped off the portal.

Rin covered her mouth and teared up.

"You haven't removed me yet Eric, don't forget about me." Seung said as she growled.

She was covered with a lot of scars and bruises.

Her phoenix wings flapped as blue flames covered it.

She made her two tridents show up as she dashed towards Eric, Eric doing the same with two swords.

They clashed as they both got the strength of God's.

Seung kneed Eric at the stomach and smacked him with her trident.

"h-how are you alive!?" Eric shouted as he continued to cough blood.

Seung snapped her fingers and sent them to a hill where the whole Seoul was seen.

"......." Seung stayed quite and Eric got irritated so he went to tackle Seung but Seung gave an uppercut towards Eric's jaw.

Eric groaned as he landed at the ground after the uppercut that Seung gave him.

Seung sighed as she was thinking if she should use her full power.

She closed her eyes.



"Wha-how how can I talk to you with my mind like this?"

"......listen. I'm about to do a Death wish here.... And I need you to promise me something."

"Wait death wish? Seung what the fuck are you thinking--"

"Just listen to me."

Y/n stopped walking at the quite hallways of her new school.

".....what is it?"

"Protect Rin for me."

"Rin protect-what?"

"Just protect her for me."




Once Seung opened her eyes, they were blue like the ocean.

Her tridents glowed and vanished to turn into blue flames on her arms.

Her wings flapped as it produced more flames.

Her blue hair swaying at the wind as it got covered with blue flames too.

Eric used his full powers as he covered himself with black smokes.

A dark skeleton horse was shown as it grew more bigger and dashed towards Seung.

Seung grinned.

Rin was shock.

"How can she smile like that when death is near to her?"

"S-seung..." Rin tried to call Seung to stop her.

Seung heard her and looked to where Rin is.

She gave Rin her famous wide smile.

The other idol stood there shock and Seung's members started to cry while shouting at her.

"Well then everyone.... I guess it's time..."

Seung happily said as she covered herself with her blue flames and turned into a big blue phoenix with flames all around.

"I hope we meet again..... In another life..."

People in Seoul started to record what's going on as they saw two giants clashing.

The blue phoenix grew more as it wrap it's blue flaming wings at the horse.


Rin shouted as she saw Seung bleeding more.

"h-heh.... I'm....i-im sorry.... And t-thank you.... But.... T-the phoenix h-has to rest n-now..."

Seung said as the blue flames got more stronger.




Seung whispered...

"Forget The Horror Here..."


Rin ran to the edge of the hill but got stopped as Lisa grabbed her from the back and hugged her.

"Mianhe unnie..." Lisa whispered as she held rin down to not get close to Seung.


Rin struggled as she tried to stood up but Lisa always bring her back down.

"Blazing Death."

Seung mumbled as she smiled.

"I'm sorry..... I won't be there for you....."

A huge explosion happened and Seung immediately covered them with her blue flames.

"SEUNG NO!!!!!"

Rin saw the blue flames vanishing and saw a figure standing.

She ran to her and hugged her.

The woman hugged her back but soon fell to the cold ground.

She was now...


Rin dropped to her knees as she hugged Seung's lifeless body while crying.

"Damn you....."

"I'm the fury in your head...
I'm the fury in your bed....
I'm the ghost in the back of your head...
Cause I'm...."

To Be Continued...

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