Kitty's first time (part 2)

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Eren's p.o.v
I blush very hard at what is happening to my behind.
"St-stop Levi it's d-dirty!" I exclaimed as he began to push his tongue in further.
He moves his head away.
"Nothing about you is dirty Eren." Levi says sternly. He then goes back to licking my hole. He thrusts his tongue in and out and I shiver in pleasure. I turn around and see that his member is also hard so I turn around.
"What are you doing Eren?" Levi asks as I proceed to sit on the bed. I point to his large bulge and blush.
"D-do y-you want help with t-that?" I ask, really embarrassed.
Levi looks a little startled and then sighs.
"Well you did cause it, so it's only right you take responsibility." Levi says, smirking. With this response, I start to loosen his jeans and I move his boxers down. I am immediately presented with his large, hard member and begin to stroke it with my hand. I remember the movements Levi did on me and start to do them. I then move my head down and take his member into my mouth. I hear him groan, which is music to my ears and begin to take him deeper. All of a sudden, I feel something touching my hole. I turn around to see what it is and Levi's wet fingers were now at the entrance.
"I can't be the only one having fun can I?" Levi smoothly says. I am still sucking his cock and he is gently rubbing a finger over my hole. I shiver at this and then feel a finger pushing its way in.
"It's still a bit loose from when I was licking it." Levi remarks. I blush a deep shade of red and remove my mouth when I feel he is adding another finger.
"Why are you stopping Kitty?" Levi asks. I blush even harder and try to keep sucking, but as I do this I feel electric shocks all down my body. Levi has hit a certain spot that made me feel this way. I start shivering and my mind goes blank as I feel him start repeatedly hitting that spot. He begins to stroke my member again. My eyes roll back in my head as I feel myself cumming.
"Now there's a cute kitty." Levi growls. I am trying to catch my breath but I feel him push me on the bed once again.
"Eren, is it alright if I put it in?" Levi asks, with caring eyes.
"Y-yeah." I whisper in his ear while pulling him closely in and hugging him. He moves his head to my lips and kisses me sweetly. He pulls away for a second and grabs a packet on the drawer. He open the packet and pulls out a condom and puts it on. I feel his member touch my hole and enter it. I gasp at the foreign presence in my body and start to tear up a bit.
"Are you ok Eren? Does it hurt? I can stop if you want?" Levi asks as he wipes my tears from my eyes.
"It's alright Levi. I'm ok if it's you." I reply smiling.
"I love you Eren." Levi says. This makes me blush really hard.
"I-I love you t-too." I respond hugging him closely.
I feel him push further in and he kisses me as he does so.
"I'm fully in now. I'm gonna start moving, ok?" Levi asks, stroking my face.
"O-ok." With this, Levi begins moving his hips, slowly thrusting in and out. He begins to fasten his pace and repeatedly hit the spot that makes me feel as though I am on fire. I moan every time he hits that spot. I hold onto his back, holding him closely and I can hear him groaning in my ear, which turns me on even more. I feel the rush begin to come and grip onto his shoulders. Levi pulls me up so I am sitting on him and begins to thrust even more, kissing me.
"I-It's c-coming out! I'm g-going to cum." I squeal out.
"Cum for me Kitty." Levi says deeply in my ear. This sends shivers down my spine as I came. Levi twitches as he grabs and holds my tightly. I hear him panting in my ear.
"That was great Kitty. Are you ok?" Levi asks, still panting.
"Y-yeah j-just a bit sweaty." I respond.
"Let's go clean up then. I'll run a bath and you can get in first." I start to try and get up but my hips feel weak.
"I-I'm sorry Levi, I c-can't walk. C-can you carry me?" I ask looking down at the floor and blushing.
"Up we go." Levi says as he picks me up bridal style. He walks to the bathroom and places me in the bathtub. He begins to fill it with water so it is completely surrounding me and then pulls out a box. He opens the box and I see a powdery ball.
"Pick one." Levi states as he indicates for me to pick one of the powdery balls.
"What are they?" I ask, confused as to why these are in a bathroom.
"They're bath bombs. Just pick the colours you like and then wait and see what happens." I am still confused so I point at a aqua/ teal colour. Levi takes it out the box and puts the box away.
"Now I'm going to give this to you and all you need to do is put it in the water and wait for the manic to happen." Levi informs. I do as he says and gently place the bath bomb into the water. It suddenly begins to make fizzing noises and I am a little startled by this.
"It's ok, look." Levi points at the bath bomb and I see the colours start to swirl around in the bath.
"The colour matches your eyes." Levi says, smiling softly. I giggle and look at the new coloured water.
"I'm gonna go clear some stuff up. I will come join you in a minute." Levi states as he starts to exit the bathroom. I pout at the fact he is leaving me. I spot the rubber duckies on the side and grab them. I place them in the water and they float around me. I giggle when one bumps into me and I place it on my head. Then Levi walks back into the bathroom. I forget that he is naked so when he walks through the door, the duck falls from my head and my jaw drops.
"Are you having fun there?" Levi asks smirking.
I blush red and put my face under the water so he can't see it. I feel the water start moving so I emerge from under the water. Levi is now sitting behind me and my back is now to his chest as he pulls me in. I blush and tense up, but I start to sigh into his embrace. I feel myself become sleepy and start nodding off.

Levi's p.o.v
I feel Eren fall asleep in my arms so I finish cleaning him up. God he is so adorable. I dry him of and change him into a t-shirt that I prepared when I was tidying up and some new underwear. I lay him on the now clean sheets gently. I then proceed to get changed myself into some pants and then lean over to kiss Eren on the cheek. As I do this though, Eren suddenly embraces me and pulls me close.
"I love you my little Kitty." I murmur as I move onto the bed myself and pull the covers over us.  I grab Eren closely and pull him into my chest. I feel my eyes start to become heavy and hear a faint "Love you" before falling asleep.

Here you are. Now this is the vanilla version of it. There will be another version which is kinkier. I will also put warnings at the beginning in case anything can trigger you. The kinky version is more for fun and isn't actually part of the main story. Its more like a side story kinda thing. Oh and if you're wondering where the rest of the gang are, they heard something so decided to watch movies until they were done. They then sneakily made their way upstairs and went to bed. Of course Hanji couldn't resist so she sneaked in and took a picture of them cuddling. Mikasa wasn't very happy and Armin was neutral compared to the Hanji and Mikasa scale.

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