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*Levi's P.O.V.*
"-L...i- Le..i- Levi!" I startle awake as I hear my name being called. I look around to see the now familiar freckles in front of my face.
"What is it?" I groan as I rub my face.
"Eren and Jean!! They're surgeries were successful!!" Marco says as he smiles. My eyes are fully open now and I look at him in shock.
"H-he's gonna be ok?!" I ask frantically.
"Mhmm!!" Marco says with a big smile. My eyes light up and I start smiling back.
"Can we see them now?" I ask, desperately wanting to see that cute smile of his.
"The nurse says it's ok as long as we aren't too loud." I immediately get up out of my seat and start walking down the corridor. I the remembered-
"Uhhh what room are they in?" Marco chuckles.
"60" He informs me. I continue to walk down the corridor until I find the 60th room. I eventually find it and quietly knock on the door, Marco behind me.

I hear a faint 'come in' from inside and open the door. Inside is a nurse finishing up with notes on a clipboard.
"You must be Mr Ackerman and Mr Bott. Is that correct?" She asks. We both reply with a 'yes that's us' and she nods.
"You need to be careful with the wires." She informs us before walking out of the room. On the left side lay a less pale Eren, and on the right Jean. Marco and I quickly rush in our different directions. Eren was still unconscious, whilst Jean was conscious but couldn't keep his eyes open for long.

I grab a chair and pull it over to his bedside, grabbing his hand once again. I kiss his hand once again, then his cheek, then his forehead. When I do this, there is once again no reaction.
The nurse nurse comes back in and immediately rushes over to us.
"It seems that he is currently in a coma. The impact on his head has caused him to become unconscious and he may not wake until a months time." When I heard this, my heart shattered.
"But what you can do to help is to come here everyday and just talk to him. That way, he may get out of it quicker." I look up at her and a ray of hope shines in my eyes.
"Jean should be fine, he's stable." Marco nods to her and then looks back at Jean, smiling.

So that's exactly what I did. Everyday, I would come for hours, just talking to him. Others came as well. Like Mikasa, Armin and Hanji. That was an experience. Hanji was way too loud and nearly got them kicked out. Armin was wailing as soon as he saw Eren and Mikasa just, glared. I don't even know how to explain it, though there company was sometimes appreciated. I would stay for hours with him a day, too scared that if I left he would wake up and get scared.

These constant visits paid off.

*Eren's P.O.V.*
It was dark. Too dark. I couldn't see anything. What's going on? What's happening? Am I back in the basement again? No I don't want to be here.
"Eren?" I here someone say.
"Please wake up." The voice says again. I recognise it. It's soothing.
"I really need you." Wait is that voice Levi's?
"I really miss you. We all do." I listen to the voice and suddenly things start appearing in my mind. Are they memories? There's one of my family all together, laughing at the dinner table. Then there's me strapped onto the table. No! I don't want to remember that one. I walk past it quickly. There's another that appears of fishy, oh how I love fishy. Then there's Mikasa, Armin and Hanji, all smiling and laughing at Levi who's telling them off. I smile. Levi. But then I remembered the events that occurred the last time I was awake. Levi and that girl were together and she was holding him so tight. Then the picture changes in front of me and I saw Levi, on his own, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed.

"Levi! Don't cry!" But he couldn't hear me. He continued sobbing and I couldn't take it. I could feel my body start to tingle and I felt as though I could move my hand easier. I reach up to the image and suddenly Levi's crying stops. I was met with his hand placed on mine and it being grasped firmly. He then plants kisses all over it and I giggle cos it tickles. It tickles? My eyes start to open and I felt myself drift down. Suddenly I am awake? Levi is looking amazed and shocked. He looks so relieved.

"E-Eren?! You're awake!" He says as he pulls me into a hug. It hurts a little and I grimace when he does this, but I want to hug him so tightly. He quickly pulls away and apologises.
"Are you okay?" He asks, concern plastered all over his face as he holds my cheek.
"W...t- *cough* w-er" I try to get out.
"Water?" I nod and he immediately grabs the cup of water that stood on my bedside table.
"Here you go." He says as he puts the glass up to my lips softly and tilts it so I can drink. I drink it really quickly, feeling relieved to be able to feel the coldness running down my throat.

"Hold on I better tell the nurse you are awake." He says as he gets up. I quickly grab the sleeve of his shirt to prevent him from doing so. I look up at him, worry in my eyes.
"Don't worry. I'll be back in a minute." He says as he kisses my chapped lips gently and walks out of the room. One minute felt like forever. I waited until finally Levi returned with the nurse and she immediately started asking questions and running exams on me. It made me feel really tired afterwards but I wanted to talk to Levi more.
"Kitty, I have to leave now. I'll come back early in the morning tomorrow." Levi says as strokes my ears and kisses my cheek.
I whimper when his hand leaves my ear and he walks away. He looks at me as he closed the door and smiles, causing me to smile back.

*Time skip*
*Levi's p.o.v*
Eren's been recovering really well, in fact I am on my way to the hospital right now. As I make my way to Eren's and Jean's room, I could hear shouting.
"Stay on your side of the room damnit!! You're taking up my space!" One voice says, that I can identify as Eren's.
"I am bigger than you I need more space!" The other one shouts back, must be Jean. Marco appears behind me and sighs.
"I told them to stop fighting already." He says and he places his hand on his face.
I open the door and sure enough, Eren and Jean were kicking each other and hitting each other.
"You two are literal children." I say as I walked in.
"He started it!!" They say simultaneously. They then start bickering again.
"Stop fighting!!" I shout and immediately they stop.
"You are supposed to be recovering not making the situation harder for yourselves and everyone around you" They start to hang their heads.
"Now say sorry." I order.
"Sorry...." They both say.
"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" Marco says as he walks over to Jean and kisses him on the cheek. Jean grumbles and pouts and Eren is doing the same.
"Glad to see you're feeling better." I say as I chuckle and scratch under his chin.
"Hmph" He replies.
"Oh come on don't be grumpy with me." He turns his back.
"Kitty~" I grumble next to his ear. His face flushed up and he quickly covers his ear in surprise.
"Pfft- hahaha. Your face hahaha!" I laugh.
"Meanie." Eren says as he attempts to hide his flustered face.

Our teasing, or shall I say my teasing, was cut short when a nurse came in.
"Mr Ackerman, Mr Bott may you leave now?" The nurse asks politely. We both nod in return and say our goodbyes.
"But you only just got hereee!" Eren whines.
"We've been here nearly 2 hours already." I reply. Eren looks shocked at how fast time has passed, and so was I, but I knew Eren needed as much time to rest as he could. Marco and I leave together and there was a faint 'Bye' from the other side of the door. I smile and begin to make my way home, looking forward to tomorrow.

*Time skip*
*3rd person*
It was quiet in the hospital, Eren had finally gone to sleep. You would think Eren would be peaceful. But no. The door slowly crawled open and footsteps appeared in Eren's and Jean's room. The footsteps got closer and closer and suddenly Eren was grabbed.
"You!" Eren helps as a cloth is held over his face and he is dragged out of his bed. Jean has not heard a thing, he was still sound asleep as Eren was dragged away. Luckily, Levi has gifted him another collar the day before, which had an inbuilt tracker. Hopefully, Eren will be found in time.

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