Meeting Erwin and making friends

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~~Eren's Point Of View/ P.O.V~~
"Hanji come back here!"
"Ha, you couldn't reach your tea!"
"Shut up."
"Good thought from me to put it on the top shelf."
"I could of, If I had gotten a stool."
After I heard this, there was soon after a lot of crashing sounds, so I had decided to jump up and see what was going on. I had definetly felt better after yesterday.
I climbed down the stairs and headed to the kitchen to see Hanji and Levi on the floor. I growled at Hanji and they turned there head to me, grinning away.
"Don't worry I'm not going to steal him away."
I sigh and grin back, watching as Levi gets up off the floor.
"Eren, can you get my tea down please?" Levi asks, pouting at me. How could I resist such an adorable face.
I reach up and grab the tea which was on the top shelf and handed it to Levi, who was now crying,
"Thank you Eren, you brought me my tea. Hanji was a meanie." I feel like I have already grown closer to them.
"We are going on a trip today to visit Erwin!"
When I heard this I instantly started panicking.
"Don't worry Eren, they're a really good friend of mine and Levi's, he won't hurt you one bit and if he did, Levi would beat him to death."
I blush at this and look over at Levi to see him nod in agreement.
"Right, lets go!"
"Eren needs clothes first"
"He can borrow mine" Hanji says.
I mean, its not like I dislike their style, but I don't think it'll look good on me.
Levi didn't like what Hanji said and he showed this by giving a dirty look.
"Well, it's not like he can borrow yours because your clothes will be to small for him."
"Ok then, let us go pick your outfit then Eren."
And before I knew it, I was being dragged back upstairs and into a room, which I pressumed was Hanji's. The whole room was covered in band posters such as Panic At The Disco, Bring Me The Horizon and Bts. It did make their room really decorative.
"Here you are."
Hanji passed me an outfit to try and it consisted of a black pair of skinny jeans, a Panic At The Disco T-shirt, black converse, white trainer socks, a black leather jacket and a necklace with a key on it.
"You must promise to keep that necklace safe at all costs!" Hanji, being serious.
"What's it for?"
"That I can't tell you, but you must promise to keep it safe!"
"Yes, I promise!"
"Good. Well then, lets get going!" Hanji shouts, back to her exited self.
I walk back down the stairs and out the door, Hanji locking it behind me, and see that Levi was already in the car. As I walk to the car, I swear I see a small tint of red on Levi's cheeks. Is he blushing? I feel my cheeks becoming hot but I shake it off and open the car door. Once I had sat down I closed it and put on my seatbelt. Safety first!
"You look good Eren"
"T-thanks Levi!"
I think i've jist found my new favourite style.
"Levi stop daydreaming and go"
Levi took his gaze off of me and faced the front. He started the engine and drived with a casual yet concentrated look, like he was trying to get something out of his mind.
15 minutes later we arrived outside of a house or should I say mansion! It was 4x the size of our house. But I love our house. It feels good to say that I have a home.
I was shook out of my senses when Hanji snapped their fingers in front of me. I opened the door and stepped out of the car, taking it all in.
"Well then, lets go!"
We walk to the front gates, which where securly locked, and Levi pressed a little button on the side. Funny, It seemed to be perfect for his height.
"Erwin, it's Levi, Hanji and Eren open up."
"Stubborn as usual I see." Replied the voice on the other side of the speaker, followed by a laugh. The gates where immediately opened afterward and we walked down a long path. It was beautiful. In every corner there where different flowers, some i've never seen before. on the left there was a water fountain, followed by a big field with a set of swings and a slide. On the right there was rows filled with vegetables of any kind and behind stood trees of different fruits, which were the normal fruits such as Apples and oranges, but they still seem tasty. I licked my lips hoping to have one. Maybe later I can ask? As we continued walking, we finally reached th enterance and standing in it was a tall, buff man with overly huge eyebrows.
"Hey Levi, long time, no see." The man pulls Levi in for a hug and Levi tries to push him away, being crushed by his big arms. I growl and snarl at him and he turns to me.
"You've got yourself quite a possesive one, haven't you Levi?" Levi takes a glimpse at me and makes a very visible blush. It was so red that even if he turned invisible, you could still see it.
"Don't forget to hug your bestest friend in the whole world!" Hanji reminds Erwin.
"Really, when are they gonna get here?" Erwin replies, sarcastically.
"I'm right here silly!" And when Hanji said this, she jumped on Erwin and pushed him down to the floor.
"Ouch Hanji that hurt, you know I was only playing with you right?"
"Yeah, I know, I just wanted to push you over anyway. Take this as a lesson to never tease me again."
"Well, I won't make any promises."
"Meanwhile..." Levi interrupts.
"Oh right, yes, why don't you all come indoors for a cup of tea." Levi was already in the house by the point Erwin said tea and was already siiting on a sofa is what I assumed to be the living room or one of them.
It was the first door on the left so he was easy to find.
"Well, lets all settle while I get the tea!" Erwin left the room, leaving us in complete silence. He had just headed to the room opposite us which I thought of as the kitchen.
Erwin came back in a couple of minutes later with the tea and he bent down to place it on the table. When he did this, two cats scattered in. One was Black and the other was blonde.
"I would like you to meet, Mikasa, the black one, and Armin, the blonde one. These two are special like you, they can both turn to both human and cat form!"

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