Telling my story- Part 1

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~~Eren's Point Of View/ P.O.V~~
*Fire alarm*
"What are you doing Hanji you're gonna burn the house down?!"
"I just wanted to make breakfast..."
"Tch, you've made a mess, I expect this to be cleaned up, properly!"
"Yes, your highness."
"What did you say?"
"Yes, Levi!"
"That's what I thought!"
By this time, I knew that Levi and Hanji have had a little trouble. I was still half asleep and my body felt heavy. I'd don't know how Erwin can sleep through all of this, but he did. When my eyes were fully open, I'd realised that there were two bodies hugging me tightly, Mikasa and Armin. Mikasa looked cold so I stood up and took my scarf and rapped it around her. Oh, how could I have not told you about that. When I was younger, my mother had knitted me the scarf and I have kept it with me ever since. Though since it needed to be washed, the scent was washed away with it. It was as if I was finally accepting that my mum wasn't coming back. Ever. Back to Mikasa, I could tell she was half awake because she blushed and snuggled into the scarf, as if it was a comforting smell. I blushed and turned around, finding that Levi was standing in the doorway.
"That was cute." Levi commented.
"She looked cold so I gave it to her"
"Anyway, we have nothing for breakfast now because Hanji burnt it all, so I've gotta grab some stuff." Levi states.
"Wait a sec Levi, can I just check what you have first, I may be able to whip something up!" I
said, excitedly.
"Okayyyyyyyy?" Levi says, clearly unsure.
"Just trust me!" I say as I head to the kitchen.
"Fiiiiinnne." Levi agrees, knowing I won't take no for an answer.
"Right lets see what I have to work with."
I looked in the fridge and saw some cheese and ham and in the cupboards there was some baked beans and some bread.
"This should be enough to work with!" I murmur to myself.
At this point Erwin has finally decided to wake up and see what the commotion was about.
"Why do I smell burning?" Erwin asks.
"Hanji!" We all say in sink.
"Why am I not surprised?!" Erwin mocks.
"Hey!!!!!" Hanji retaliates.
"Hahahaha, look at your face" Erwin says.
I laugh myself and begin to work. I started with making a toastie, taking the bread, cheese and the ham. Then I cooked the beans, adding my special ingredient, onions and plopped them all on the plates.
"Voila!" I pronounce.
They all stared at me in awe.
"How did you do that?" Mikasa asks.
"I used what was left!" I answer.
"You are one smart brat" Levi says. I wasn't quite sure if that was a compliment or an insult, but I will take it as a compliment.
"Thanks!" I exclaim.
"Sorry but Hanji and I still have to go out to do something" Levi states.
"Whyyyyyyyy?" I moan.
"It's a secret" Levi replies.
"Okayyyyyyyy" I sigh.
"We'll be back in a bit, byyyyyyyyeeeee" Hanji announces.
"Byyyyyyeee" All three of us say.
"I wonder where they are going" Armin says.
Then, I panicked.
My hands started sweating and my heart race started to increase. What if they are going to leave? What if something bad happens to them! Oh God!!! I don't want that! Please, no! I begin to pass out from the shock and the last thing I saw was Mikasa and Armin's worried faces before I completely black out.

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