Extra (part 2)

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Here is part two. Once again it is important to ask for consent and anything that is done in this story must not be repeated.
Outdoor play
Pet play
Pee fetish
Don't read if you find these things triggering.

*Eren's p.o.v*
When he said that we're going for a walk, I got a little excited and started walking to the door, but then I remembered what I looked like. I stop in front of the doorway and start going in the opposite direction, but Levi still has my lead in his hand and started tugging me towards the door.
"I had a feeling this might happen. That's why I have a punishment prepared for you." I look at his hand and see a little pink egg shaped thing. He grabs my hips, lead still in hand and starts pressing it inside my asshole. It felt uncomfortable.

"W-what about the people though? What if someone sees me?"
"Isn't that what makes it more exciting though?" Levi responds, pulling on my lead again. I start crawling with him and he opens the door. I feel the cold night air hit me and I shiver. It feels weird not having anything on but a collar. We start walking out of the house and in the direction of the park and I start to feel the urge to pee. It must have been from the milk earlier. When I thought that, a sudden vibration started happening in my asshole. Wait. Is that what that pink egg thing does? I stop and shiver.
"What's the matter Kitty?" Levi asks.
"N-nothing." I say quickly.
"Are you sure? You can go pee by that lamppost over there." He point to the lamppost by the kids play area. I nod and blush in embarrassment. I really can't hold it in anymore and it's hurting me.
"Now put your leg up and you can pee. Oh wait a second and i'll take that out for you." I shiver when he takes it out and immediately start releasing the pee. My face turns red and I bite my lip. I wobble slightly and nearly fall onto it but I steadied myself. I am directly under the light so if someone walks past they can see me. I try and do it quickly but there is just so much.
"That must have hurt kitty, keeping all of that pent up." Levi teases. I turn away from him and finally stop peeing.
"Now why don't we go have some fun on the playground equipment?" He points over to the swings, spring riders, climbing frame, seesaw and slide.
"Now which one do you wanna go on first? You're gonna have fun on all of them." I look at all of the equipment and pick the easiest and quickest one. I point to the slide.
"Good choice~" He pulls me over to the slide and lets me climb up the ladder. I then sit at the top and the cold metal hits me by surprise on my bare ass.
"Go on then, slide down." Levi says while motioning. I can hear the vibrations of the toy hitting the metal and I slide down trying to get this done quickly. What I seemed to have forgotten though is that when your skin is exposed, your body gets stuck to the metal, so when I tried to slide down, I got stuck and the toy got pushed against my prostate.
"Ahhh~" I blush and close my eyes.
"What's the matter Kitty? Keep going." I comply and go down the slide slowly. The vibration of the toy seems to increase and I notice that Levi is fiddling with something in his pocket. I moan the whole way down and I finally make it to the bottom. I pant and grab my thighs, out of breath.
"C'mon Kitty you can't be out of breath now. The fun has only just begun." I then remember I have three other things that I need to go on. I look at my options and decide the next best thing to go on would be the swing. I point to the swing and start crawling towards it.
"Someone's eager." Levi says as he smirks.
I stand up when I reach the swing and sit on it. I tremble and cross my legs. I try to push off with my feet but I did it too lightly.
"Do you want me to push you Kitty?" Levi whispers from behind me. I shiver and nod. Levi grabs the swing and gently caresses my ass as he does so. When he does this, my hard dick brushes against the cold air and precum drips down.
"Awww look. The park has a fountain now." Levi says as he looks at my dick. I blush hard and try to hide it with my legs, but I can't.
"Let me swing you a little harder." Levi says and suddenly the swing is moving faster. This make the toy move around in me more and hit my spot, which makes me feel like coming. Immediately before I was about to come though, Levi stops the swing.

"You wanna pick another one?" I glance over at the remaining equipment that are left and point at the spring rider.
"You are picking really well kitty. This one has a surprise!" He says whilst smirking. He leads me over and stops.
"Now I want you to close your eyes Kitty." I hesitate slightly but then close my eyes. I hear rustling. What is he doing?
"You can open your eyes now Kitty." I comply and adjust my eyes to now see a dildo stuck to the seat of the spring rider. I blush and turn away.
"Make sure you have great fun on this." Levi says in a husky voice.
How is that going to fit? How can I sit on it? I stand up and straddle the piece of equipment.
"Go on then." Levi persists. I look down and slowly start to lower myself onto the toy. I manage to get half of it in but I was struggling with the other half.
"Hurry up Kitty. How about I help?" Without warning Levi pushes down on my shoulders and I take in the rest of the toy.
"Ahhhhh" I yelp in pleasure and pain. I try to get my breath back but Levi start rocking the toy back and forth.

There's gonna be another chapter to this. I really hope you are enjoying this. Please let me know if you would like me to do any more like this as extras in the book. The book is still a work in progress so I really appreciate all your support with it.

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