Extra (part 1)

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I would like to mention that consent is very important and anything in this story must not be repeated in real life.
Kitty play
Hitting play
Urethra insertion

*Eren's P.o.v*
I blush in embarrassment when I notice Levi staring and smirking at the bulge in my pants.
"Naughty Kitty~" I shiver when he says that.
"I-It's not what you think! Uh-uhm I-I just" He cut me off by slamming his lips against mine. He slams me onto the bed and I look up in shock, face flushed.
He grabs my pants and pulls them down, along with my boxers.
"W-what are you doing?" I say reaching down to grab his hands.
"I'm going to give you lots of pleasure." After he said that he grabs my dick and starts pumping it, starting off slowly and then speeding up. He tightens his grip and starts going really rough. I squeeze my face at the pleasure and arch my back. I tense slightly as I feel something warm touch my cock. I look down to see Levi's mouth now around it and he glances up at me and I look away. He then begins to bob his head up and down, licking the tip as he does this. I grab his head and he begins to speed up. I feel the rush and I tighten my grip on his head. I released in his mouth and he pulls away, my cum now dripping from his mouth.
"Now that was too quick Kitty." I blush and turn away.

Levi suddenly get up off the bed and heads to the drawer. He opens it and pulls out a thin pole- like thing and he walks over to me.
"This should help~"
"W-what are you going to do with that?"
"It will stop you from cumming. It goes inside your urethra."
"D-does it hurt?" I ask, scared.
"Yes at first, but then it starts to feel good~" He grabs my dick and gently presses it against the tip. He inserts it slowly and I tense as it hurts a little bit. He then shoves the whole thing in.
"Ahhhhhhh~" I feel it hit my prostate and it feels weird.
"You're going to feel even better in a minute Kitty." Levi states as he pulls me over his lap.
"Now naughty Kitty's need to be punished." At this point I am now laying over his lap with my ass upwards. Levi then begins to caress my ass, touching it gently.
"Now. I want you to count. I will stop at 5."
"W-why do I need to cou-"All of a sudden he hits my ass. I feel the sudden contact and it hurts, but the warmness sent tingles through my body. I yelp.
"Remember to count."
He hits it again but this time I let out a strange noise.
"Mhhmnnn. T-two."
"mmmmmm t-threeeee."
Harder this time
"Hayahhh f-fourrrr"
This is the last one. I don't want it to be though.
"Hmmmnnnn *huff* *huff* f-five"
The warmth makes want to cum but I can't. My dick is rubbing against his leg and the friction feels good. I try to rub it more.
"Ah ah ah horny Kitty. We can't have you doing that now can we." He glances over to a bag on the floor and grabs it.
"I got you something else as well as the collar."
I tilt my head. Another present? He reaches into the bag and pulls out a matching red lead.
He then grabs a couple of new drinks bowl and places them on the floor. He then walks out the room and a few seconds later he comes in with a milk carton in hand. He pours the milk carton into the bowl and I stare in shock. Just what is he planning?
"Drink up. I bet you're thirsty right now." I blush and nod, looking at the bowl and crawling off the bed. I begin licking gently and Levi's feet are now either side of my head. I then realise how good the milk is so I start drinking faster. Because of this, I accidentally spill some on Levi's feet. He grabs my lead and pulls me down abruptly.
"Lick it off. You mustn't waste any of it."
I hesitate slightly but then lean down and slowly lick the now warm milk. I make sure there isn't any left and go back to drinking my milk.
"Well done Kitty. How about we go for a little walk as a reward?"

There will be more warnings in the next chapter. This is only part 1 so there is a lot more to come (haha cum). This chapter is not linked to the storyline at all and is just me giving a little extra for people who want some spiciness to the story. Thank you for reading.

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