Kitty's first time

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Warning: This is going to be a smut chapter. I will make two versions of this. One with more vanilla sex and the other more kinky. If you really don't want to read it you do not have to. (We all know you do though.) ;)

Eren's p.o.v.
I blush when Levi notices the sudden hardness that has emerged from my pants. He smirks and glances up at me.
"What's got you so excited little kitty?" Levi smoothly asks.
"I-uhhm- I - l-liked i-it when y-you pet me." I say, blushing a deep shade of red and looking away.
Levi pulls my head to face him and smirks more while looking into my eyes. I look back in his for a second, but I get to shy and look away.
"Ah ah ah. Don't look away. Only look at me." Levi growled as he pulled my head once again to face him.
However, this time, he pulled my head towards his. A soft feeling met my lips and my eyes widen. Is Levi kissing me? He then proceeds to run his tongue over my lips as if asking for entrance. I'm feeling a bit cheeky when he does this so I decide to deny him access and keep my lips sealed. This didn't last long though as he pulls down my pants and boxers and grabs my cock (Little Eren how do you know that word?). I moan at the sudden contact, which allows Levi to slip his tongue in. I try to battle for dominance with my tongue, but it was no use and almost seconds after, Levi's got the upper hand. He moves his tongue around the good spots in my mouth and as he is doing this, he is moving his hand around my cock. He moves his thumb over the tip and I moan into his mouth, enjoying the new pleasure he is giving me. Then he stops touching my hard member. It feels cold from the lack of contact and I groan. His hand is just millimetres away from it and I whine. I buck my hips up into his hand and start thrusting. This was easy to do because he still had his hand in the same way he had it when he was stroking it. I had my eyes shut tightly and I was still thrusting my hips. I open my eyes and look at Levi to see that he is in amazement at the sight he sees. He smirks when we make eye contact.
"Are you that desperate kitty?" Levi mumbles.
I am still moving my hips and I feel a sensation start to build up. I begin to move faster and just when I was about to release, Levi moves his hand completely.
"Ah Ah Ah. We've barely even started yet. We can't have you cumming so quickly." Levi says in a deep, husky voice.
All of a sudden, I am pushed onto the bed with Levi on top of me.
He looks at me and smirks and then kisses me once again. I moan at the warmth and I realise just how much I missed his kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck as he suddenly starts nipping at my neck. He goes all over it, sucking biting, nipping, until he finds one spot. I gasp when he bites it and arch my. I feel him smirk into my neck as if he is pleased. He continues to bite that one spot over and over, to the point where I don't think the mark will ever leave.

When he is satisfied with his work on my neck, he proceeds to pull me up so i'm sitting and takes my shirt off. He then pushes me back down again and starts kissing the middle of my chest. He then makes his way to my left nipple, taking the bud into his mouth, while tweaking the right with his hand. I moan at this contact and grab his back. He rolls his tongue over it and nibbles it. This sends shivers down my spine. My member gets harder, if that is even possible. He then switches nipples, moving to the right, and repeats the same process. He begins to move down my body even further, kissing and licking my chest and belly, until he gets to thing that is so desperately wanting attention.
What he did next though is something I didn't expect. Suddenly, my cock is in his warm mouth. I groan and arch my back, grabbing his head and the bedsheets. He grabs it by the base and slowly lowers his head. He licks the tip, swirling his tongue around it and then lowers his head even further until I am completely in his mouth. He begins to bob his head up and down and looks up at me. At this point I am already a mess and my eyes were hooded and glazed over. He keeps moving, deepthroating me and I am loving every second of this sensation. I feel the rush again and I begin thrusting my hips into his throat. I remove my hands from his head so he can move it away but I am shocked when he keeps it in his mouth and takes my cum. I lay there panting, and when I finally catch my breath I ask.
"W-why did y-you not m-m-move your head?"
"I wanted to know what you tasted like." Levi simply stated before swallowing my cum. I blush a deep shade of red and feel my cock becoming hard again.
Levi chuckles and begins to remove my pants completely.
"Do you want to keep going?" Levi asks, tilting his head. I nod in response.
"Just remember, if you don't like it, I will stop." Levi says reassuringly.
"O-ok." I stutter in reply.
With this, Levi flips me over so I am facing the bed and I am on all fours. I look behind me to see him move his head and then felt something touch my hole. It was his tongue.
"W-what a-are you d-doing?" I ask reaching to him.
"I'm stretching it so it doesn't hurt." Levi replies.
With that he continues to lick it and the sensation makes my face fall onto the pillow as I moan.

Sorry for stopping halfway through. I will be making a part two to this and be making a more kinkier version very soon called "Kinky kitty" Thank you for reading! Also, if you like OHSHC there is another story called "OHSHC~ The musical type". Please check it out!

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