Extra (part 3)

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Part 3 and final part. After this I will just be continuing the story like none of this ever happened. Once again it is important to ask for consent and anything that is done in this story must not be repeated.
Public sex
Pet play
Don't read if you find these things triggering.

*Eren's p.o.v*
The rocking of the toy made it hit in different angles and it kept going. I couldn't stop it. It still hurt but that hurt is now being overwhelmed by pleasure. Levi kept rocking me back and forth harder and harder.
"Ahhh-" I try and let go of the handle bars to cover my mouth but Levi stops me.
"We don't want you to fall off now do we?" Levi says slyly. I put my hand back on the handle bar. When I do this, the dildo makes contact with the vibrator, making it go deeper inside me.
"Ahhhh~ Mhhnn~"
Levi then continues to rock it back and forth. I try to suppress my moans and I grip the handle bar so tightly that my knuckles turn white. I bite my lip harshly and it draws blood. Levi leans in and licks the blood off my lips. This sends shivers down my spine and I feel a rush coming.
"Ahhhhhnnnnnn~" I release my load that I have been holding in for so long.
"Was that your favourite so far Kitty?" I look away and nod slightly.
He chuckles "It's only going to get better from here." He states.
I then remember that we have two pieces of equipment left and I look at them. I decide the next thing i'll play on is the seesaw so I do what I have done for the last three times and point at it. This time my point is weak and I tremble. My eyes are now clouded over and my imagination runs wild with thoughts about what he's going to do next and I get excited.
I get up off the now warm piece of equipment and remove the dildo. I go back onto the ground and then start making my way towards the seesaw, legs trembling in anticipation. I hear a pop and realise that Levi is removing the now wet dildo and he goes in front on me and places it on the seesaw.
"Now this is going to be the most fun so far~" I start drooling and Levi pulls the seesaw down so I can sit on it. I lower my hips onto the dildo once again. It goes it deep first time. Levi goes to the other end of the seesaw and pushes it down. This makes my legs come off the floor and the dildo goes deeper inside me, once again hitting the vibrator.
"Mhhhnnnnn~ Ahhhh, Ahhh."
I try to speed up with the seesaw, wanting it to thrust in my deepest parts. As soon as I start doing this though, Levi stops whilst standing up, making my side of the seesaw low. He stands there smirking, looking at me with hungry eyes. I groan because of the lack of action and Levi picks up on that. All of a sudden, Levi slams back down on the seesaw, causing my end to shoot up. Now if you've ever been on a seesaw, you know that if you do this your butt comes off the seat. Now this is what happens, however I shoot so far up that the dildo comes fully out my ass, only to get slammed right back in again. I grasp the handle tightly and gasp at the sudden stimulation.
"Ahhhhhhhh~" I pant for air and slouch to the side.
"Now Kitty, we are going on to the best part!" I look over at Levi and see his eyes glowing in mysterious way. I trace back at the list and realise that we have done everything but the climbing frame.
"Up you get now." I do as he says and remove myself from the seesaw.
"Wait for me by the climbing frame." I nod my head and crawl my way over. I hear a rustle and look back at Levi and see him put the now very wet dildo into a bag. I blush at the sight and turn my head slightly. I wonder what he's gonna do now.
"Go on then climb it." Levi says as he motions to the climbing frame. I grasp the cold bar and slowly ease my way up.
"Keep going all the way to the top. I'll follow behind." I hear the metal chink and see Levi making his way up behind me. I feel something drip down my leg and realise that it was left over from moments before. I look down and see that Levi now has his mouth open, catching the drops. He licks his lips and smirks when he sees me looking. I turn away and blush, just wanting to reach the top.
"Right now wrap your arms around the bar and face down. Now stretch your legs on top on the bars. That's it, good kitty." The tip of my dick is now touching the cold bars and it sends shivers down my spine.
"Make sure you hold on tight Kitty." What is he going to-
"Ahhnnhhhhmhha." All of a sudden I feel something enter my once empty and lonely hole. It's warm this time and I nearly fall off the frame. My gasps create fog around my mouth and I try to regain my balance. Levi then begins to move, slowly at first as if teasing me, but then speeding up as if impatient. He thrusts in my favourite spot, constantly hitting it and making me moan in pleasure. I start to lose balance again and Levi sees that so we readjust. Now Levi is sitting on the bars and I am sitting on Levi, feet on the poles. I slowly lower myself onto his throbbing cock and tilt my head back as I do this. I grab onto his shoulders tightly so I do not fall. Levi wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. He presses his lips against mine hungrily and I am immediately welcomed with warmth. I mean into the kiss further and grab his hair, tugging on it slightly. This causes Levi to groan which turns me on even more. I pick up the pace and feel Levi start twitching even more. I felt the rush coming to me and I gasp for air. I cum, with Levi following close after and I rest my head on his shoulder, panting. H spills me into a kiss once again and I melt. These kisses make up for the cold that comes with the bars.
"Now that was fun wasn't it Kitty?" I nod.
"C-can we come to the park again sometime?" I ask nervously.
"Maybe, it depends how good of a kitty you are going to be." I pout and look away.
"Now, now don't be like that. We should start heading home."
I start to climb down and my hips are sore so I misplace a step. Luckily Levi grabs onto me before I fall to the bottom and I can refrain onto the bar.
"Be careful Kitty. I'll carry you the rest of the way home." I eventually make it to the bottom, followed by Levi.
"Now let's go home!" Levi says as he carries me princess style. I wrap my hand around his neck and pull him closer, giggling. Levi begins to laugh as well and then speeds up to the point where he is pretty much running. Me make it home and Levi puts me on the sofa gently. He then rushes into the bathroom and runs a bath.
"Now let's you get you cleaned and warmed up." He carries me to the bath and puts me in. The warmth covers my body and Levi gets in behind me and wraps his arms around me, adding to the warmth. I lean back and feel myself doze off. I felt a soft peck on my cheek before finally falling asleep.

And that's that. Did I write over 3000 words of this? Maybe. Do I regret it? Hell no! Anyway, thank you for reading this little extra. I would just like to remind you that this isn't part of the main story. After this chapter I will continue from where the "Kitty's first time Part 2" left off!

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