Sick day

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~~Eren's Point Of View/ P.O.V~~
I woke up, in my human form, and started panicking. I changed back to my cat form by biting my hand. And poof. My head was banging and pulsing as I attempted to try and sit up. I was suddenly stopped by a hand that pushed me down.
"Stay in bed brat, and go back to your human form, I already assumed you where a Neko to begin with"
He fluffed my pillow so I could sit up a bit.
I tried to speak but my mouth was to dry so it came out as a croak.
"Here, drink"
I quickly grab the drink, nodding when I did, and gulped it down.
"Don't drink it so fast else your gunna get-" *hic-up* "-hic-ups"
"Just wait and I'll get some more water" Levi stood up and turned around, his butt perfectly in view. It's quite plump. Stop it Eren. I hear the tap stop running and Levi came back into the room shortly after.
"Now hold your breath and drink this with little gulps at a time"
I did as I was told and eventually my hic-ups had disappeared.
"Tch, stupid"
Then I started to feel really hot again, either because of my fever or from blushing to much.
"Take this as well, it will get rid of your headache."
"Thank you"
Once I took the pill, Levi pushed me back on the bed.
"Sleep" after he said this, he placed a cooling pad on my forehead and left the room, leaving me alone.
"We've gotta get him checked out by Erwin!"
"Yeah I know, we'll go tomorrow, I can't believe he was asleep for a week."
"It's probably because of the condition he was in"
After I heard this, I was scared. Scared to go back. Scared to see them again. Eventually I fell back into my sleep and hoped for no nightmares.

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