Telling my story- Part 2

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I slowly regained consciousness, feeling something soft beneath me. I squinted, trying to adjust my eyes to the bright room in which I now lay. How did I get here?
"You're awake!" I hear someone from the right of me say. Is that Mikasa? I glance over to where I thought she was located and lock my eyes onto hers.
"S-sorry, did I fall asleep?" I question looking at her concerned face.
At that point, Armin walks in with a glass of water and hands it to me as I say up.
"You passed out after Levi and Hanji left." He states while I sip the water. I start choking once I hear this and Armin rushes over to pat me on the back.
"Th-they're gone?" I stutter in disbelief.
What do they mean by they "left".
"Don't worry Eren, they just went out for a bit." Mikasa reassures me as she sees that I begin to panic again.
"If you don't mind me asking Eren, why are you so scared they're going to leave?" Armin asks, tilting his head and softening his expression.
I hesitate for a moment, then remember that they are the ones that looked after me while I was unconscious. I feel as though I can trust them.
"When I was little, my mother abandoned my "father" and I for another man. Immediately after she found out she was pregnant, she was going to get rid of me. But by the time she found out, it was already too late into the pregnancy. She didn't want to risk her own life getting rid of me, so she decided to keep me. As soon as she had me, she left me with my "father". She didn't actually know who the father was, so I don't know who my actual father is. From what my experiences are, I don't have a father." I hold my breath and close my eyes tightly. I then continue.
"The person who raised me was the person who did this to me." I say while I point to my ears and tail.
Flashbacks appear in my mind of that time and I hold head. I proceed to shake it, trying to the horrific memories out of my head, but to no avail.
"Eren! Eren!" I hear. I open my eyes to see Levi hugging me tightly. I realise that I am crying so I wipe my eyes, but the tears kept streaming down my face. I snuggled into his shoulder, smelling his scent. I felt him pat my back as I sobbed and eventually calmed down.

*Levi's p.0.v*
Hanji and I left the house because I wanted to buy some things for Eren. As we were browsing through the shops, I found a beautiful ruby red collar and matching lead. I immediately thought of him wearing and how cute he would look in it. We eventually made it back home and we greeted Armin, Mikasa and Eren from the door. When we heated no reply, we made our way upstairs. I heard them talking through the door of the bedroom and then I heard crying. I hurriedly pushed the door open and saw Eren staring at the wall, wide eyed and tears streaming down his face. I rush over to him and shout his name to break him out of his trance and hug him. I feel him loosen up and rest his head on my shoulder. He cried and cried for what seemed like hours and then eventually stopped. I then heard a faint sound of snoring and realise that his crying had worn him out.

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