Nose bleed

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*Eren's pov*
After Armin and Mikasa left, Hanji grabbed my hands and pulled me over to the kitchen. This sudden movement hurts my back, as it is still sore from the events that took place the night before.
"Can you cook for us again please?!" Hanji aks excitedly. I look at her brightly lit eyes and sigh.
"Fiiiinnne." I make my way to the fridge and grab the bacon. I also grab some eggs and some burger buns. I begin to fry up the bacon and eggs, while Hanji is singing along with a tv show in the living room. I feel someone appear behind me and I turn my head slightly. Black hair appears in my vision and I feel arms wrap around my waist as I cook. I sigh in content at the contact and begin swaying my hips in time with the song playing. Levi moves his hips with me and I feel him rest his chin on my shoulder. I smile and place the eggs and bacon into the burger bun.

"Hanjiiii it's readyyyyy!!" I shout over the music. Levi is still holding onto my waist and starts kissing my neck. The sudden sensation leads to me letting out a little squeal.
"Oh my god you two are so adorable!!" Hanji screams as she runs over. I blush and try to hide my face in my hands. Levi tightens his grip around me and let's out a little chuckle. I blush a deeper shade of red and practically nearly fall to the floor, but Levi is still holding me up.

"Grab your breakfast then shitty glasses. And you better like it!" Levi commands. Hanji immediately makes her way to the counter and grabs her plate. She then quickly darts out of the kitchen, taking a little peak before finally leaving. I laugh and Levi chuckles, the rumble from his chest soothing me in the process.
"What are we doing today Levi?" I ask, resting my head against his chest once again.
"Hmmm. Have you ever been to an amusement park?" Levi questions, now resting his chin on my head.
"No. What's that?" I ask. I've never heard of that before. Then again I didn't really do much in my childhood.
"Basically it's a place where you can go on different rides and eat lot of food. I haven't really been to one either... so I wanted to go with you..." Levi says, his voice softening.
"Yeah let's go!!" I say jumping up. I forgot Levi's head was still there so when I jumped, impact hit my head.
"Owwwww" I say rubbing my head. I turn around and see Levi holding his nose.
"Oh I'm so sorry Levi I didn't mean to are you ok should I get some tissue oh i'm really sorry I forgot you were there and I got excited and-"
"It's fine just shut up for a second." He says quickly.
"Shitty hairrrr!!" He shouts, a little muffled from his hand. We hear frantic footsteps and second later Hanji appears in the kitchen once more.
"Oh my god what happened?!" She says as she rushes over and tries to observe Levi's nose.
"Eren got too excited" Levi simply states. Hanji starts smirking.
"Well it's not the first time someone ended up getting a nose bleed from getting excited." Hanji giggles. I look at her in confusion.
"We all know you get excited over Neko's. Now are you gonna help me or not." Levi states a little be irritated.

"Yeah I think it's best if we go to the hospital, just to get it checked out in case it broken. We all know Eren is hard headed sometimes." Hanji says as she reaches for the car keys.
"Grab your sandwich you can eat on the way there." Levi says, still holding his nose. I quickly grab his and mine and wrap them up. We then rush out of the door and get into the car, Hanji in the drivers seat and Levi and I in the back.

"God I can't believe I'm trusting you to drive the car." Levi says shaking his head.
Hanji looks into the mirror gleefully.
"Well it's not like you can do it Mr Broken Nose."
"We don't know if it's broken yet." Levi states back. I look at him, concern written all over my face and Levi picks up on that.
"I'll be alright. It doesn't hurt that bad." Levi says, trying to smile but wincing slightly. He tries to hide it but I've already seen it.

"Eat." He commands, pointing at the breakfast sitting in my lap with his one free hand. I do as he says and unwrap the sandwich. I then take a small bite. When I realise how good it is, I begin to take larger bites and then it's gone in seconds. I look down and pout, saddened by the lack of sandwich. I hear Levi chuckle.
"Cute" Levi says. I blush at his comment and face the window.
"You can have mine as well if you would like." I look up at him again, lights in my eyes. Then those lights dim down again.
"But it's yours and you need to eat as well." I state. Levi sighs and grabs the sandwich. He then rips it in half and hands one half to me.
"Here you go. This way i'm still eating and you have more." I quickly grab the sandwich and look at Levi, my eyes returning their brightness.

"I really can't get over how cute you two are." Hanji says whilst looking in the mirror again.
"Concentrate on the road shitty glasses." Levi says sternly.
"Okay okay." Hanji says moving her eyes back into the road. We finally make it to the hospital and Levi tells me to hide my ears and tail, which I do so. We make our way through the entrance and Hanji informs the main reception as to what our business is. Levi is immediately taken into one of the rooms and Hanji and I are asked to remain in the waiting area. I fidget my feet about, anxious as to why it's taking Levi so long. Hanji seems to notice my nervousness and pulls out her phone.
"Do you wanna play some games while we wait?" Hanji says whilst smiling.

I shake my head.
"Oh come on!! There's a game called Attack on titan where you have to kill lots of titans to earn points!" This peaks my interest and I look at her phone. I gleam at the movements the character makes.
"Haha he kinda looks like Levi!" I say as I see the character closer.
"That's cos I made the characters appearance like that!" Hanji says, handing her phone to me. I begin weaving in and out of the trees, not hitting a single one. I then slay most of the titans.
"Wow you're a natural Eren!" Hanji says in amazement.
"Hehe!" I say as I hand her back her phone.

She looks at the time and sighs.
"How long has he been in there for?" I ask, worry returning.
"About an hour. He should be nearly done though." As if on cue, Levi walks out of the room, and a splint and bandage now covers his nose. I quickly rush over and Levi holds his arms out. I immediately hug home tightly.
"You ok?" Hanji asks, appearing behind me.
"Yeah all good. Just need to not bump it into anything for a while."
"That means no more excited jumps Eren." Hanji states, smirking at me.

I pout at this and fold my arms.
"Fine." Levi reaches his hand out and ruffles my hair.
"That also means we have to put the amusement park on hold for now."
"Aww ok. Well you need to get better first and I care about that more!"
"Let's go home shall we?" Hanji says, heading to the car and beginning to sit in the drivers seat.

"I'm driving." Levi states.
"But whyyyyy?!" Hanji exclaims.
"Because both my hands are free and I don't feel like getting anymore injuries. I don't want Eren to get in an accident." Hanji huffs and removes herself from the seat. It is quickly replaced by Levi and I sit in the front passengers seat. Hanji huffs again and moves to the back.
"Let's all go home. It's definitely been a long day and I have a feeling i'm not going to get much sleep." Levi says as he starts the car.

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