"It's alright Eren"

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*Eren's p.o.v*
I wake up to find myself, once again in a hospital bed. I immediately start to panic as flashbacks of what that man did to me take over. I felt a hand grab mine and I instantly recognised who's it was. I grab the hand tightly and I try to calm myself down. I look over to the owner of the hand and see Levi.
"It's alright Eren," He says as he rubs my hand softly with his fun.
"How's Hanji?" I ask, scared that I injured her badly.
"She just needed a couple of stitches and was bandaged up. The doctor said it won't take long to heal." He replies. That was a relief.

"And what about-"
"Don't worry that's been taken care of as well. He's been locked up after many people came forward after saying that they had also been experimented on by him. He's going to be in there for life." I sigh. Is it finally over. Can I finally live with Levi and Hanji in peace? These thoughts were cut off when I see a hint of black and blonde run into the room.
"Erennn!!!" They both screamed. They immediately hugged me and I hugged them back, knowing exactly who these blobs actually are.
I start tearing up and they immediately start hugging me tighter.
"Uggghhhh guys I can't breathe" I say as I stop crying.
"Hahaha sorry, just wanted an Eren hug," Armin says, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah were so sorry we didn't come to help you, we were told by this guy not to because he didn't want to endanger us to, even though I would've been able to handle it..." Mikasa says as she points to Levi.
"Ahah do you do have a heart for them!!" I exclaim.
"No, I just know how much you like them." He says whilst turning his head away.
"Nooowwww. Where're my Levi cuddles?" I say as I hold my arms out. He immediately wraps his arms around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder. I really missed this.
"Heyyyy lovebirds!!" Hanji screams as she slams the door open. That led to a couple of "shh"'s from the nurses around and Hanji apologising.
"Eren!! How are you bud?" She asks. I notice the bandages on her arm and immediately feel regretful.
"Um i'm fine, just a bit sore, but how about you?" I ask a bit worried she's gonna scream at me.
"Oh, this is small. Don't worry about it I know you were just scared. It's not gonna take that long to heal and it does hurt that much." She says as she smiles at me.
"I'm so glad I didn't hurt you very much..." I say as I slowly lower my head.
"Oh the doctor said you could go after some final tests, just gotta check your vitals again and then you're free to go. And also two others would like to see you." Hanji informs me. I wonder who they could be.

The two that enter the room is a black-haired, freckled-face boy and a brown-haired boy. Oh, Jean and Marco. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to see them anytime soon.
"We heard about what happened to you and we wanted to bring you some gifts, well it was actually all Jean's idea but he didn't wanna take the credit," Marco says as he holds out some tinned tuna, a stuffed fish and some chocolate.
"I can't thank you enough. Really I'm so happy thank you." I say as I cuddle the stuffed fish.
"You are very welcome. *cough* Jean.." Marco replies.
"Tch yeah you're welcome. I'm glad to see you're ok." Jean mumbles whilst crossing his arms.
"Good boy Marco says as he scratches Jean's head.
"Oh dear, we better get going. Sorry Eren but we've got to leave. We'll see you soon ok?" Marco says as he hugs me. He seems to look where Levi is, but I couldn't see it fully.
"Ok bye-bye," I respond as they start making their way out of the door.
Soon after they leave, the doctor enters the room.
"I'm here to run some final exams on you before you go home, can everyone please leave the room." The doctor directs every one.
"Um doctor, is it ok if Levi stays here, I haven't really had the best experiences with hospitals in the past..." He looks upset Levi and then backs down to me and nods.
"As long as he doesn't get in the way, it should be fine." When the doctor says this, Levi immediately sits on the chair nearby, not wanting to interfere.

"So I'm just going to check your blood pressure, heart rate, sinuses etc ok?" I nod in response. He does as he said he was and then when he finished writing things down on his noteboard, he says "Released from hospital."
Levi looks so happy, happier than he's ever looked. It surprised me.
"Feel free to go home." The doctor double clarifies for us.
"You heard him, let's go home," Levi says as he picks me up bridal style out of the room.

Well tell the others the news and they're so happy, which made me smile so wide. We all get in Levi's car, Hanji and Levi at the front and Mikasa, Armin and I in the back. They all seem overly excited for some reason. We eventually make it home and I can wait to just get changed, have a bath and have cuddles with Levi. This plan, however, will not be going ahead today, as when I open the door, I am immediately greeted by Jean and Marco.
"Welcome home!!" They exclaim.
I am lost for words as I see all the decorations littered around the room, the food displayed on the table and a series of presents stacked up behind the table. I start getting emotional and tear up.
"Thank you all so much!!" I say, well more like sniffle out. I am immediately greeting with a group hug and it was very warm and comforting. Even Jean was a part of it, which surprised me. There was a knock on the door and Hanji yanked it open and pulled the big guy inside. The big guy being Erwin.

"Hey I didn't miss the party did I?" He says as he ruffles my hair with his hand.
"Nope, you are just in time!!" Hanji exclaims as she rushes over to the table. She immediately starts packing a plate up with food and hands it over to me.
"Uh Hanji I don't think I can eat this much-"
She cuts me off.
"Nonsense!! It's been ages since you've had a proper meal!" I mean she isn't wrong and this sushi looks pretty tasty. I take one bite of it and it's delicious!! I quickly eat all the rest of it and start chocking. I'm handed some water and I immediately start guzzling it down.
"Thanks." I choke out.
"No problem" Jean replies. Jean? Well never would've though he'd stop me from chocking to death.

"Now everyone eat up, there's lots to go around!!" Hanji screams as she starts filling her own plate. Levi grabs a few bits of food and I get angry because he's not eating enough. So I grab some sushi from my plate and put it in his mouth. When I see him eat it, I feel very proud of myself so I give him more. He feeds me some as well and it tastes extra good when he does that. Soon enough all the food was gone and we were all stuffed to the brim with food.

Suddenly, they all start handing me presents and I get so excited. I open them all one by one admiring each and every one. Then it comes to Levi's gift. I open the gift and it's a matching red collar and lead, which had a tag with the inscription "Eren Ackerman" and a ruby ring.
I look up at Levi confused.
"Eren, will you marry me?" Levi says as he grabs the ring from the box and goes down on one knee.
"Omg yessss my shippp!!" Hanji squeals.
We all laugh at her reaction, whilst i'm teary-eyed.
"Yes!! Yes of course Levi!!" I say as I hug him tightly. We pull away so he can put the ring on my finger and he shows the one he go for himself so I offer to put it on him. He accepts of course and I admire our matching rings.

"You better not make him unhappy Levi." Mikasa warns Levi.
"Don't worry that's not gonna happen." Levi says as he shakes his head.
"Nowww let's get to dancing!!" Hanji screams as she turns the music on. I start dancing slowly and then get into it. I dance with Hanji and Erwin first, before making me way to Mikasa and Armin. We jump around, not giving a care in the world.

Suddenly a slow song starts playing and everyone pairs up except me. I look to see where Levi is and I see that he's sitting down, so I immediately go over to him and grab his arm.
"C'mon let's dance!!" I say him whilst still dragging.
"Finnnneeee but just this song." Levi replies, smiling softly. He puts his arms around my waist as I do the same around his shoulders. We slowly rock side to side and I rest my head on his shoulders. I close my eyes enjoying the moment. Sadly the song ends quicker than I thought, but everyone looks tired so we decide to call it a night. We all say our goodbyes and Hanji stays up to clean up the mess.

Meanwhile, Levi and I are laying in bed, after showering and changing our clothes. Looks like today did go my way then. Levi was cuddling me up close, kissing my face every so often making me giggle. I admire the glimmer on my ring and smile widely.
"Thank you for all of this Levi" I say and then kiss him on the lips softly.
"This is nothing Eren. You deserves all of this and more. This is your home and will always be your home. We'll never abandon you." He softly says as he kisses my forehead. I cuddle even closer to him and felt myself getting tired. I slowly drifted off to sleep, feeling his warm hand pet my head. It's alright Eren. You're home and you won't be abandoned.

And that's it guys!!! Omg I can't believe it's over 😭Let me know if you'd like to have a chapter for their wedding, but other than that, it's finished!! Let me know if you want anymore added and i'll just maybe slot it in, you never know 😉 Thank you all so much for sticking with me until the end. It means so much to me.

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