"Don't leave me!"

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*Levi's p.o.v.*
"C'mon Leviiii!!! Hang out with meeee!!"
That damn Petra!! She won't leave me alone!!! I turned around to see Eren in shock and tears started to well up in his eyes. Before I could say anything, Eren was already running away. I went to go after him but Petra was still holding onto me, tightly.
"Eren!! Come back!! Petra let go of me damn it!" I yell as I pull my arm out of her grasp. I quickly rush over to where Eren was running and saw that he was close to the road.
I was too late. Someone had tried to pull his body out of the way, someone who was taller and had brown hair.

A car had already came rushing towards Eren and collided with him full on.
"Eren!" I scream as I run over to him.
"Jean!" I hear someone else shout. That's must be the person who tried to save Eren. Eren's collar was now a different shade of red. I check for his pulse and any signs of breathing, but there was nothing.
"Call an ambulance!! Please!!" I scream to Petra who had now caught up to me. She looks in shock at the scene before her and nods her head vigorously.
"Don't leave me!" I scream at Eren in hopes he can hear me. I clench my eyes shut, grasping Eren's hand tightly and holding it to my heart. I feel someone pat my back and turn to them.
"Is Jean alright?" I ask the freckled face person.
"He's still breathing, he's conscious. How's Eren?" He rushes out.
"H-he's not breathing." I look at him, tears forming in my eyes.
"Right i'm going to perform CPR on him, please make room. And keep an eye on Jean."
I nod in response and immediately move out of his way and kneel beside Jean.

He begins trying to resuscitate him, chest compressions and oxygen being provided in through the airways. This is repeated until the ambulance finally arrives. Eren still hadn't woken up. Jean, on the other hand, had begun shifting about slightly and groaning.

"Please step away from them!!" A voice says and immediately they are rushing over to where we currently are. I move out of the way immediately and so does Marco and we allow them to perform the necessary procedures. I was biting my nails, a habit I had recently gotten over but my worry for Eren was taking over.
"We will need someone to come in the ambulance with them." A paramedic informs us.
"I'll go!" Marco and I say simultaneously. We look at each other and look back at the paramedic.
"You can both come just hurry and get in." We quickly obey their orders and hop in the back of the ambulance that now held Eren and Jean.

The whole journey I stared at Eren and his lifeless looking body. I remembered the events that had happened before all of this and instantly regretted remembering Eren's crying face as he ran away. That may be the last thing he will ever remember, the last action he will ever do. I was supposed to be taking care of him and making happy, and now look at him, he's on the brink of death and there's nothing I can do about it.

"Levi." I dart my eyes over to the owner of the voice and realise that it was Marco speaking.
"There is something you can do..." Marco begins. Did I say that all out loud?
"... Eren would want you to be strong right now and not blame yourself." Marco explains.
"B-but I-"
"No. We've only just met but I can tell how deeply you care for him. Eren, Jean and I had talked already and he was trying to rush back to you. He looked happy, excited even, so I know he cares deeply for you too. And what do you think he will say if he saw you hurting yourself?" Marco asks, looking straight at me.
"H-he'd say to do it more." I say, hesitantly.
"Is that really what he would say?" Marco questions and he pulls my hand away from my face, as I was still chewing my nails.

I sigh deeply.
"He would tell me off for doing so..." I reply. Marco's expression softens slightly and he leans back. He's holding Jean's hand in his and rubbing circles in the back of it. I look back at Eren, his whole body is pale and there doesn't seem to be any signs of movement. I grab his hand and place a kiss on it gentle. I was hoping that he would respond in the way he normally would, pulling his hand away and then giving it back with a flushed face, but alas this didn't happen.

We had finally made it to the hospital, and Eren and Jean were immediately taken in. Marco and I were told to sit in the waiting room nearby, but I couldn't sit. I was continuously pacing back and forth.
"Levi, please sit down." Marco says as he pays the seat.
"I can't." I say, biting my nails once again.
"Okay well, let's go get some coffee or tea whilst we wait." Marco suggests whilst standing up.
"How are you so calm right now?!" I blurt out, but immediately regret it when I see the shock on Marco's face.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No, no it's fine. I am internally freaking out right now, but I know Jean is very strong. Eren will make it, he loves you very much, that I can tell." Marco says softly.
"Can we get some tea please?" I ask.
Marco sighs in almost relief when I say this and nods his head. Earl grey tea sounds grey right now.

After a while of drinking, I feel myself nodding off, my head dropping every so often. I couldn't stay awake any longer and I passed out in the waiting room.

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