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Eren's p.o.v
My nightmares are consuming me. The needle. It pokes my skin and fills me with an unknown substance. It hurts. It hurts. Why? Leave me alone. Help me please! I'm begging you. Let me go. Who's that?
Is that really you? Please help me!
I suddenly jolt awake from the nightmare and see Levi with a concerned and saddened look on his face.
"It's alright Eren. I'm here." Levi reassures me. I stare at him blankly for a moment and then realise where I am. It's alright Eren. You're home. No one can hurt you here. You have people protecting you. I snuggle up to Levi more, enjoying his embrace and hear his heartbeat. Mine slows at the sound of this and matches his pace. It was soothing. We sat in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other's company, when the door suddenly bursts open.
"Is he alright?!" Hanji screams as the door slams against the door. I feel Levi move his arm, which I presume he is bringing up to his lips to tell Hanji to shush. I squirm, a little annoyed at the disruption of the silence, but also glad at her worry.
"I-I'm alright. Just uncovering some memories which I wanted to keep covered." I say, my voice croaking a bit from the crying.
"Would you like a drink Eren?" Levi asks, still holding me.
"If you wouldn't mind." He smiles a little smile and beckons Hanji over reluctantly.
"I don't trust you with his drink so you look after him for a second." He orders.
"Yes sir!" Hanji replies whilst saluting. Levi walks out the door, which was now barely hanging on to the hinges. Hanji then turns to me and walks over, worry still in her eyes.
"I told Armin and Mikasa to get some sleep as well. They were hesitant but knew it was ok to leave you with Levi." I nod as thank you.
"Come on we know you like Levi." Hanji says as she nudges my side. I blush profusely at this statement. A second later, Levi walks in with a box and a mug in hand. He held the mug from the top, cute. What am I thinking?
"What are you talking about?" Levi asks looking at me.
"Nothing!" Hanji says waving her hands out in front of her face.
"Okayy. You can leave now Hanji." And with that Hanji left the room peaking through the door until it was shut completely. I waved when she did this.
"Here you go Kitty." Levi says as he holds out the mug. I blush at this nickname and Levi smirks.
"W-what is this?" I ask a little flustered as I peered into the mug.
"Some warm milk for my little Kitty." Levi replies smirking even more. I take a sip and realise it is too hot. My tongue was now burnt.
"Careful Kitty. We don't want you burning that cute, sensitive tongue now do we?" Levi asks sensually. I shake my head, tongue still sticking out.
"Here let me blow it for you." Levi says as he grabs the mug once again. He blows on the mug and all I can do is stare at his lips as he does so. I want him to kiss me. What amI thinking. I feel my face heat up and I shake my head to try and get the thoughts out of my mind. When Levi is finished blowing on the milk, he passes the mug back to me and I take another sip. I sigh at the warmth that now filled me and lean on Levi once again. As I was enjoying the warmth, I look around on the bed to see a black box. Levi seems to notice this and picks it up.
"Do you wanna know what this is?" Levi asks as he holds the box in his hands. I nod.
"Then why don't you open it?" He says and with this I trade my mug with the black box and open it slowly. Inside laid a red, leather collar with "Levi's cat: Eren" encrusted on it. I gently pick it up and try to put it on me, but to no avail.
"Would you like help putting it on?" Levi asks.
"Yes please." I respond. He uses his long fingers to latch it together.
"It looks good on you." Levi smoothly says.
"T-thank you." I say whilst blushing. This is the first present i've gotten. I move over to where I am sitting on Levi's lap, facing him and I look into his eyes.
"Really thank you." I say.
"I heard you the first time brat." Levi says, patting my head and smiling. I lean into his touch and a foreign sound comes out of my mouth. A sort of mumbling.
"Did you just purr?" Levi asks a little shocked.
"N-no!" I deny.
"My little Kitty just purred." Levi states. I blush really hard at this comment. Levi moves slightly and I realise that my blushing is not the only thing hard right now.

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