I've already found someone suitable for me

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Eren's p.o.v
My eyes slowly flickered open as I felt the warmth that surrounded me. I blush slightly and pull my head away, which had been previously resting on Levi's chest. My eyes wandered up his chest to his face and I noticed a small smile displayed on his lips.

I smile, content with the arms around me and the temperature that is engulfing me. Bringing my finger up to his creased mouth, I gently prod his cheek to check if he would have any reaction. To which he squirmed, scratched his face and pulled me closer to him, caressing my head. I couldn't help but purr when he did this and I sighed, content with his fingers running through my hair and then occasionally touching my ears.

I don't how long I have been with Levi, but that didn't matter to me. All I cared about was the fact that I was there with him and he wouldn't throw me away. Unless he meets someone better. That's bound to happen right? I open my eyes abruptly, trying to get the image of Levi with someone else out of my head. I couldn't stop the soft whimper from escaping my lips. All of a sudden I feel strong arms wrap around me that bring me closer.

"What's the matter Kitty?" Levi says with a very concerned look on his face. Oh that face. It would be so much better for Levi if he just found a proper partner. A woman. Someone who isn't a freak hybrid like me. Tears well up in my eyes as I look into his. His hand moves slowly to cup my face and I flinch slightly, before leaning into his hand and placing my hand on top of his. He slowly moves his thumb over my cheek, stroking it. I let out a content sigh and feel the tear roll down my cheek. Levi is quick to wipe it away and he does so gently, as if trying not to hurt me further.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" Levi says, sitting up and carefully bring my head to his chest. He then begins to pet my head once again and I let out a small rumble.
"I'm sorry Levi. I-It's just I was thinking about useless things." Levi stops stroking my head for a second before proceeding to stroke it again.
"Nothing's useless. C'mon what's on your mind?" Levi questions as he kisses my ear.
"W-well. Uhm. I was just thinking... that maybe it were better if you found someone suitable for you-" Levi stops petting my again and picks me up so I am now sitting on his lap and his arms wrapped around my waist into a tight embrace.

"I've already found someone suitable for me-" I tense up and look away. Wait! When? How? He's already found someone? Is he just using me?
"- It's you stupid" I look swiftly back at him and see a smile at his lips and his eyes looking at me, how should I say, adoringly. I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer, not wanting to let go of this man who has brought me light to my world. He pulls me closer and buries his head into my neck, sniffing it and leaving small kisses down it.

"You give off a nice smell you do" Levi states as he proceeds to nip my skin and lick over it, causing shivers to go down my spine.
"We better get dressed before Hanji and the others come in, otherwise Hanji won't let it drop." I giggle at his remark and feel him pull away. It feels lonely without his touch there, but remembering Hanji constantly asking me questions about the experience did not appeal to me, so I reluctantly move my body off of Levi's legs and walk over to the closet that held some of my clothes. (Little do they know that Hanji had already found out and was urging to ask questions)

I pull out a shirt and trousers and see the collar on the table, which was removed when Levi was bathing me. I smile and pick it up, gently opening the clasp and wrapping it around my neck. I fix it on and walk over to the mirror, content with the gift. Levi walks over to me a second later, fully clothed and looks into the mirror.

"You look so good with that collar on Kitty." Levi whispers into my ear. He then quickly nips my ear and I can see him smirk as he begins to walk away to make the bed. My face is now flushed and I held my hand up to my ear, surprised. Luckily the collar covers any marks that appeared on my skin, which was kind of a let down, but meant that Mikasa wouldn't get angry at Levi.

"Let's go get some breakfast shall we?" Levi suggests as he opens the door for me to walk through. I nod in response and walk through the door and head to where Hanji, Armin and Mikasa sat at the table.
"Hey guys!" I say excitedly as I run over to hug Armin and Mikasa.
"I take it Erwin said it was ok for them to stay over?" Levi says, looking at Hanji for the answer.

"Yeah, yeah don't worry I had already called him to ask. In fact he'll be coming in about 5 minutes to pick them up so I suggest you say your goodbyes." Hanji says as she glances at me. I pout at this piece of information and hug Armin and Mikasa once more, this time a stronger hug, before releasing them from my grasp. As soon as I do that, the doorbell was rung followed by a knock.

"Coming coming, keep your hair on. Though that hard for you now isn't it." Hanji leaps up and yanks the door open as she says this.
"I-Is it that bad?" Erwin whispers to Hanji whole softly touching his hair.
"Nah nah I'm just messing with yah." Erwin does not like this and walks through the door, pushing Hanji out the way. Hanji giggles at this response and closes the door behind him.

"Come on then you two, we'll visit again soon" Erwin says.
"Okay..." The both say hesitantly.
"We see you soon kay!" Armin says whilst holding my hand.
"Mm-hm" I reply.
"Don't do anything to him Levi. I will know if you have!" Mikasa says, eyes flaring.
"Do you really think I would hurt him?" Levi questions tilting his head.
"Just making sure. I've got my eye on you." Sh says as she points to her eyes and points to him.
"Bye Bye now" Hanji says as she proceeds to push the three of them to the door. She then opens it swiftly and shoves them out. She then slams the door and turns around looking triumphant.

"Don't want there to be a cat fight do we?" Hanji says whilst smiling to me. I giggle at this comment and look up at Levi, who still looked slightly annoyed from Mikasa's remarks. He sees me smiling and smiles softly whilst patting my head.

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