Amusement park

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Just a warning there will be a bit of nsfw stuff. I will give you a warning in bold when the time comes. (haha comes, i'm sorry I'll leave)
*Eren's P.O.V*
Today is the day we finally go to the amusement park. Levi's nose has finally healed up and he had a long sleep the night before because he had been struggling. I am so excited! Hanji was so sad to find out that Levi wasn't letting her go with us. I was sad as well, but at the same time kinda glad because it means I get to spend some more alone time with him. Hanji has to look after Mikasa and Armin anyway because Erwin has an important meeting that he must attend. No idea what it's for.

Anyway, I am currently getting dressed into my clothes. I am wearing a white t-shirt with a plaid top around my waist. I am wearing black skinny jeans and some leather boots. Readjusting my red collar, I look in the mirror content with my outfit. Levi had gotten me some more clothes during this time which I was very happy about. He looked like he lived every moment of it, which he may not like to admit. Levi is currently in the shower, so I make my way downstairs so he can get changed in peace. As much as I would like to see him naked... I think i'll resist the urge because I have a feeling that we wouldn't make it out of the house otherwise. Hanji squeals when she see my outfit and makes me do an little twirl for her. She claps her hands together in excitement.
"Gorgeous darling!" I blush a little at her comment.

Then the doorbell rings. Ah that must be Armin and Mikasa. I gesture to the door and Hanji nods. Scrambling across the furniture and tripping up down the hallway, I rush to open the door. I swiftly open it and my face gleams as I hug my two best friends. They hug back and I giggle.
"Now let's go in! I'm sorry I can't hang out with you today..."
"Nonsense! You gotta spend time with Levi as well!" Armin says energetically. I smile and blush slightly.
"Even if he can be a bit of a dick..."
"Mikasa!" Armin exclaims. "Ignore her Eren, she's just jealous because she can't confess to Annie." Armin says smugly.
"Shut up" Mikasa says.

"Who's Annie?" I ask, interested in who Mikasa's potential lover could be.
"Wellll she's a whitish blonde haired Neko, just like us, and she's friends with Berthold and Reiner, you haven't met them either. Let's just say as soon as Mikasa laid eyes on her she was a blushing m-" Armin was suddenly on the floor.
"I said shut up!!" Mikasa exclaims, bright red.
Armin gets off of the floor and rubs the side of his head where a bump has now formed.
"Okay okay I get it. You didn't need to throw a book at me." Armin whimpers. Mikasa pouts and sulks in the corner of the chair. Hanji has now returned from her adventure to her room and sees the lump now formed on Armin's head.

"Oh my god I only left for 5 minutes what happened?" Hanji asks in shock.
"Well we were talking about how Mikasa has a crush on-" Once again another book appears and hits Armin on the head.
"Ohhhh crushessss." Hanji exclaims, ignoring Armin's groans of pain as she grabs Mikasa's arms.
"Tell me more!" Hanji says excitedly.
"Not gonna." Mikasa says as she tries to pull her arms away from Hanji's deadly grip. Hanji looks a little disappointed as she releases Mikasa.
"Okay... tell me when you're ready then... come on Armin let's get you some ice." Hanji slinks away to the kitchen whilst holding Armin.

"Phew" Mikasa says once they are out of sight.
"Ummm... If you don't mind... can I meet her?" Mikasa looks up in shock when I ask this.
"Uh-h sure" Mikasa returns as she blushed slightly and looks away. I smile with this response. She really likes Annie huh?

Finally Levi appears and walks into the living room.
"Where's Shitty glasses and blondie?" Levi asks.
"Gone to take care of Armin's injuries." Mikasa replies.
"Injuries? Y'know what I'm not even going to ask." I was staring in awe at what my lover was wearing.

He had a tight, long sleeved black shirt on with some jeans and boots. He currently had a watch on and was tapping at the surface.
"Damn watch, why aren't you working?" He tuts. I admire him for a little while longer until someone starts waving their hand in front of my face, disrupting the perfection.

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