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Craig P.O.V.

"Thank you Pomona, California!" I shouted into the mic and walked off stage. Sj sat there waiting to speak. I walked to my dressing room and cleaned up. I took a quick shower and then got dressed. I put on some deodorant and I was about to walk out when I sprayed some cologne on real quick. I fixed my hair and then I walked out. Sj was standing up and she looked stunning. Wait, why was I looking at her in that way all of a sudden? I shrugged the thought off and walked up to her. She turned around and smiled shyly at me. We sat down and she looked away. "So, about the dream.." I started. "What about it? I've literally had that dream for months! I've had therapy, pills, and even went to a mental institute.!" She said in frustration. "Yeah I've done all that too except the institute. I have racked my brain trying to figure out who you were and none of it makes fuckin sense. And if you think that I'm blaming my insanity on you, your wrong?!" I shot. She glared at me. "I have to go...." She said and went to stand up. When I stopped her. "Stay tonight...we can get to know each other and maybe get some answers... We don't leave this town for another two nights...please?" I begged. Something inside me was telling me to make her stay, but not just for a night. She looked deep in thought "fine.." She said slowly. I smiled and picked her up and spun her around. She let out a cute little giggle. I smiled and set her down. Why did I want her to stay? I have no idea.... Sj left and went to talk with her friend who was flirting with max. Her friend looked between is and nodded. Sj walked back up to me. "She will be by in the morning to drop max off an to pick me up." He said. I looked at max and I nodded. I grabbed Shane's(Sj) hand and pulled her out side. I unlocked the bus door and pulled her on it. We sat there in silence. This shall be a fun night....

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now