I said I'd never let you go...

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Craig P.O.V.

"Hey Leila are you ready to go back home?" I asked. "No!"she said frightened. I sat next to her concerned. "Why not baby?" I questioned. "Because...mommy and you are having another baby and you'll forget about me." She cried. I sat there letting what she said sink in. "Mommy told me not to tell you because she was gonna tell you when we got home." She said. I was speechless. That isn't my kid! I haven't done anything with gabby!

Shane P.O.V.

"I don't know. Craig is suppose to be home and he says he has news for me and his grandma so that's why I'm next door." I told hailz through the phone. "Grandma?shane?" I heard Craig call out. "I have to go, Craigs here." I said and hung up. "In here." I called. His grandma walked in just as Craig did. He came over and kissed me on the cheek. "Ok. The news. Spill it." His grandma said. "Shane. I love you. And this happened way before me and you ever got together..." He started. My heart stopped. What was he saying? "But gabby is pregnant..." He said. "I-is it yours?" I asked blankly. "Yes..." He said. "And you haven't cheated?" I asked. "No! I promise.! It was before me and you even met again." He said. I gulped and his grandma smiled weakly at me. "I'm gonna go home and take a nap." I said. "Shane..." Craig said. "I'm fine...I promise...I'm just tired..." I said. He grabbed my wrist. "Take a nap here." He said and pulled me up stairs and into his room. " sleep." He said. I laid down. I let his words sink in. Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe he was meant to be with Gabrielle. They already have a kid together and he got her pregnant before we got together anyways. I sat up and Craig was sitting there. I looked at him. "This is a mistake." I blurted out. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I made a mistake. I can't do this. You have a family. Leila needs you and your unborn baby too." I said. I felt like I was hyperventilating. "No, babe-" he started. "No! I have to go. We can't be together." I said and ran out of his room and downstairs. I ran out of his grandmas house and over to mine and hailz's I ran inside and upstairs. I found a note that said hailz was on a date with Tj. I shut my door and locked it. I sat on my bed and breathed in and out slowly. I really need to sleep... I laid down and let sleep slowly consume my body...

**two hours later**

I woke up to a tap on my window. Without thinking I opened my window. Craig was sitting on my roof. "Craig...." I started but he stopped me. "No, look...your my other half...ok? Gab is in the past and even though we have two kids together, she doesn't make me happy like you do.! Your the light in my life. Along with Leila. Some day me and you will be married an we will have kids and we will grow old and die together....me and you...." He said. I looked at him and smiled weakly. His hand caressed my cheek. "I said I'd never let you go and I never did..." He sang. "I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it..." I sang back. He smirked and kissed me slowly. "Your my gorgeous nightmare....always remember that..." He said. "Forever...." I said.

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now