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Shane P.O.V.

"We have one more show in your town and I was thinking....maybe we could party tonight...together..." Craig questioned slowly. "Sure..." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed hard. He went to soundcheck while I waited for them on the bus. "It was 6:00pm when the band came back. Craig sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me. "Time for the show." Craig said and got up. I got up and followed the band out. We got inside and they started to warm up. The band went ok shortly after and the show was amazing.! I smiled as the band walked off. Craig stopped infront of me and then looked at me. He didn't say anything, but instead crashed his lips to mine. Sparks flew!! I kissed back and then he pulled apart and smiled at me. I smiled back. We walked back to the bus and Craig took a quick shower. He got out and got dressed. He came and pulled out jack Daniels, vodka, and shot glasses. He set everything up and we all drank shot after shot. I was sitting there, letting the biggest buzz in the world take over my body. Then I realized that this is Craig's last night here. He'll be gone and who knows when we will see eachother. "Shane." Craig slurred. "Yeah?" I asked. "Come on. Follow me." He said and drunkenly stood up and pulle me with him. We got to his bunk and he opened the curtain and he grabbed his cell phone. He dialed something and I was too drunk to understand why he wa talking about. He got off the phone and pulled me back to where everyone else. "We're gonna get out of here. We'll see you later." Craig slurred as we stumbled of the bus. We stood in the parking lot until a cab showed up. Craig pulled me to the cab and he helped me in and then he got in. "What's your address again babe?" Craig asked. Even though I'm drunk, my heart fluttered when he called me babe. "2142 Westwood dr." I said. The cab pulled away from the buses and I leaned against Craig. "Stay awake baby." He said. I nodded. We arrive at my house but hailz car wasn't there. I didn't care right now. Me and Craig stumbled out of the car and up to my house. I unlocked the door and walked in with Craig following me. I closed the door. I turned back around and Craig was inches away. My breathing hitched as he came closer. I found his arms snaking around my waist and he looked into my eyes. He closed hi eyes and leaned in. I leaned in too and kissed him. He kissed back and immediately deepened the kiss. His hands grabbed my ass and lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He backed me up against the wall and started to attack my neck with kisses while looking for my sweet spot. He found it and started to suck on it, leaving a purple bruise. I let out moans every so often. He smirked against my skin and slipped my shirt off. I pulled his off too. He pulled me away from the wall and started to walk towards te rooms while kissing me. He pulled away from me. "Which one is yours?" He ask referring to the rooms. "It says shane on the door." I breathed. He nodded and walked towards my room while continuing to kiss me. He opened my door and went into my room. He closed the door with his foot and threw me onto my bed then he climbed on top of me. We finished losing our clothes and then we did it. I fell asleep soon after.

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now