Are you fucking kidding me?!

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Shane P.O.V.

"Welcome to Scottsdale, Arizona!!" Hailz shouted. I laughed as we pulled into a driveway. She's helped me this past two weeks with the whole Craig thing. I haven't had the dream since we met and I'm thankful. I guess god just wanted us to have sex and never speak again. My thoughts were interrupted when Hailz jumped out and I followed suit. She unlocked the front door to this semi-huge house and walked in. It looked bigger inside. I gasped at the empty house. "You like?" Hailz asked. "Very much." I replied. She giggled. "Come on. Let me show you your room." She said an pulled me upstairs. We got to a room with a grey door. She opened it and I smiled. My bed, dresser, nightstand, and desk was already in there along with a few other boxes the moving people brought the day before. "Ok. Unpack a little and we will go out to eat." She said. I nodded and hugged her. "I love you.!" I exclaimed. "I love you too.! Now unpack missy!" She said. I chuckled as she walked out of the door. I unpacked everything in the boxes in under two hours. I finished and went to the window to let some air in. I opened the window and seen a familiar figure next door. I tilted my head curiously as I seen the familiar figure disappear into the house. I shrugged it off and walked downstairs. Hailz was talking to someone. I walked downstairs and smiled as I seen her talking to a little old lady. "Sj, this is ms. Amelia." She said. The old lady smiled. "You look like someone my grandson would be friends with or even be in love with." Ms. Amelia said and winked while saying the last part. I chuckled. "I'd love to meet him. He seems nice." I said with a smile. "I'll bring him Over next time. I've got to run but I came to say welcome to the neighbor hood." She said and hugged me and hailz then she left. "Well, I'd love to stay in this empty house and unpack some more but I'm hungry so let's go get something to eat." Hailz whined and pulled me to the car. We got in the car and hailz drove to a little mcdonalds. We got out and walked inside. We ordered and sat down. Hailz looked behind me and her eyes widened. "What is it?" I asked. I went to turn around but hailz stopped me while smiling weakly. "No, it's nothing. Come on our foods ready." She said. I sighed and nodded. She picked up our bag of food and we walked out. I was getting in the car when i stopped and seen the familiar figure inside. They walked in to the light and my mouth dropped. There stood Craig with his band. I felt my eyes brim with tears. Hailz hopped back out of the car and rushed to my aid. "Sweetheart. I'm sorry! I didn't know he would be here! I'm sure he's just in town for a concert." She said. "No. It's ok I don't care about it anymore. Let's just go home" I said as I got in the car. Hailz closed my door and bent down to tie her shoe. Just as she did that Craig walked out. We made eye contact and he almost dropped his food. Hailz stood up and flipped him off then Got in the car and she drove away. I sighed as I watched the buildings while we passed by them. We arrived at the house and I got out then unlocked the door and walked to my room. I shut the door and sat on my bed. This can't be happening....maybe he was only in town...maybe he was having a concert here....maybe...


Craig P.O.V.

"Grandma Amelia.?" I called out. "In here sweety." She replied. Me and the band walked into the house and closed the door. I walked to the kitchen and seen my grandma. She was walking towards the front door. "Craig you and the boys go an hang out in your room while I go and greet the new neighbors." My grandma said and left. I sighed and went to my room. I sat down as the rest of the guys followed. The one person I couldn't get out of my head was a girl I barely knew...Shane....I haven't had that dream since we spent that first night together. Now I'm always thinking about her. I sighed as I tried to get her out of my head. Instead of that stupid dream i think about her! And I feel so horrible for using her like that...I actually want to be with I going crazy? "Craig!" My grandma called from downstairs. I walked downstairs and hugged her. "Go get some food from that macdonalds." She said and pointed towards the door. "Mcdonalds. It's mcdonalds." I said. "That's what I said." She said. I chuckled and walked off. I grabbed my keys and me and the band walked to the car. I got in along with the band. We drove to mcdonalds and got out. I walked up to the counter and ordered. "How come you guys are so quiet when we are at my grandmas?!" I asked. "Dude, your grandmas scary!" Max said. I chuckled. The door bells rang, indicating that some one had walked out of the restaurant. We got our food and I got some napkins and walked out. I looked at a silver Chevy impala only to see the girl I can't keep out of my head. She was sitting right in the passenger seat. Her friend stood up and flipped me off then got in the car Sj was in and drove off. "What was that all about bro?" Max asked. "That was Sj and her friend." I said blankly. "Woah." Robert said before getting in the car. Max was looking concerned at me and monte was being monte. The rest of us got in the car and drove back to my grandmas. We arrived and I got out of the car and went inside the house. My grandma was sitting in her kitchen. I set the food down and my grandma dug through the bags along with the band. I had to take my grandmas dogs out back so I did. I walked into the backyard and then I seen here again. Sj was sitting in the backyard next door. She was crying. Why was such a beautiful girl crying? Before I could stop myself, I was walking over to the fence. There was an opening between the gates so I slipped through it. Sj(Shane) had her eyes closed while tears streamed down her face. She had headphones in her ears so she probably couldn't hear me. I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her. She started to cry harder then she did something unexpected....

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now