Oh no...

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Craig P.O.V.

I smiled as gab handed me Leila. I turned to walk towards the bus when gab stopped me. "Your girlfriend came into my work the other day." She said. "Wait, you work at a pregnancy clinic." I stated. She nodded. "She wanted a test. I gave her one and it came out positive." She said. "I needed to go. I'll make sure Leila does her summer school homework." I said and climbed on the bus. So Shane's pregnant? I'm not ready to have another kid...I'm still raising my first one...

Shane P.O.V.

I haven't slept in days. I'm afraid of how Craig will react when I tell hi'z hailz made me eat though. My thoughts were interrupted by Craig calling. I answered. "Hey." I said. "I know." He said bluntly. "Know what?" O asked. "The pregnancy.! God, don't play dumb!" He said angrily into the phone. "How did you find out?" I asked shakily. "Gabrielle was dropping Leila off before we left and she told me you came in for a test and it came out positive. She's the doctor at the clinic on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays....I'm sorry Shane but I'm just not ready for another kid....." Craig said and hung up. I got so angry that I threw my phone. I screamed at the air as tears streamed down my face. Hailz came running in and hugging me. "Shhh..." Was all she said. That's all I wanted to hear right now. No questions. I jumped up. Gab made me take that test! It was her.! She's up to something. I just know it. I wiped my face and grabbed my keys. I checked the date. Perfect, it's Wednesday. I grabbed the test result and ran outside. I jumped in my cat and sped off towards the clinic. I arrived shortly and parked. I got out and walked inside the clinic with the results in my hand. "Hello can I do a walk in with the doctor? This is really important." I told the nurse at the front desk. "All her other appointment just got dropped. Your lucky. I'll take you back there." She said and stood up. She opened the door and led me to a room. Another girl doctor was sitting there. "Hello, I'm doctor Kay. Here's the cup. Bathrooms on the left." She said. I went to the bathroom and did my business. I finished up and gave her the cup. She handed it to the nurse and the nurse left. "I have a question.." I said. "Yes?" She asked. "I came here the other day with a friend and got checked but I haven't ah any symptoms of pregnancy. That's why I came back. Mid it possible that I had a miscarriage?" I asked. " do you have the results?" She asked. I nodded and handed her the paper. She looked at the paper funny. "Ma'am this test is a flunk. We had our machines tested a few hours before you left and we weren't suppose to take any patients until our machines were fixed. May I ask who the doctor was that examined you?" She asked. I nodded again. "Doctor frosnios." I said. She nodded and then a nurse came back. She handed the doctor a folded up white paper then walked back out. The doctor opened the paper and smiled. Oh no....Please don't say pregnant. "It appears that you are...."

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now