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Shane P.O.V.

"I can't get that fuckin dream to go away.! The pills, the therapy, and the mental institution! None of that's shit works hailz." I said. She sighed and nodded in understanding. "Have you tried to look around for him?" She asked referring to the Rockstar in my dreams. "Yes! I don't know his name so I can't look him up and you can't remember who he is either.." I said. She sighed and walked away. I slumped on the couch. Hailz came running in the room. "The man?! It's him, it's him?!" She shouted. I jumped out of my skin. "Where? Did you look him up? Is he here?!" I asked. "No, it's Craig mabbitt from escape the fate?!" She replied. She was right it was him. How did I not notice before? Why am I dreaming about him though? "Why am I dreaming about him though?" I asked. "You can ask him when we go to his concert tomorrow!" She shouted before running into her room and locking the door. I went to my room and laid down afraid to go to sleep.


Craig P.O.V.

"Dude, you keep messing up..." Max said. I sighed. "I know!" I huffed. "Is it that dream again?" Robert asked. I nodded. "I thought you were in therapy for it? And didn't they give you some medicine.?" Monte asked. "It doesn't work...I'm ready to go to a stupid insane asylum already." I growled. "Your not crazy.! Every one has weird dreams bro." Robert said. "I dream that my "wife", who I don't even know, gets chopped to pieces while I watch and then I wake up." I said. "Well, maybe god is saying your gonna be the next Jeffry dahmer." Max said with a smirk. I flipped him off as we finished up rehearsing and left to the hotel. I went inside my room and laid on the bed. I fell asleep slowly and the nightmare started.

"I love you Craig.!" She shouted while the man dragged her a little ways away. I stood there, not moving, but just watching. He started on her arms, cutting them while she screamed bloody murder. She was chopped to pieces lying there with the biggest puddle of blood you could ever see. The man walked away and then the girls body formed back together and she got up and walked towards me. "You didn't save me! I thought you loved me?!" She cried before her body parts fell apart at my feet. Why was I not doing anything? "I love you Sj!" I shouted

I shot up out of bed and processed what happened. That dream lasted longer than any other time! Why? How? What is this nightmare suppose to mean?! Wait, her name! Her names 'Sj'! I laid back down staring at the ceiling, but not wanting to go back to sleep. Maybe I can find out a little information tomorrow? I don't know but it's worth a shot...

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now