One more week? And what did he say? Or do?

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Shane P.O.V.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" I asked. "Because you are seriously stupid. I didn't forget everything really. I was just pulling a prank on you guys." Hailz choked out as she started to laugh again. Tj smirked and went up and hugged her and kissed her. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I turned and seen Craig. He smiled at me. I smiled back. Hailz and Tj pulled apart. "Your an asshole." I said to hailz. She laughed and shrugged. The doctor came back inside. "We'll she can go home now or if you want you can wait." He said. Hailz jumped up and took all the IVs and shit out of her arms. She went to the bathroom and got dressed in a pair of my clothes. Hailz came out and smile at everyone. Her eyes stayed on me. She looked at me. "Shane...have you eaten at all?" She asked. "No she hasn't. She wouldn't leave your side." Craig said. I glared at him. Hailz sighed. "Come on. First stop. Food." She said as we signed her out and got in Tj's rental car. We drove to a Burger King and ordered tons of food. We stopped and ate. I only ate a little bit because I didn't want to get sick. We finished and headed towards our house. We got there and got out. Me and hailz went inside. I laid on the couch and almost fell asleep but Craig laid on top of me. "Hello there." I said. He grinned. "Holá and Tj have one more week before we're done...." Craig trailed off. "Get to your point." I said. He was cut off my shouting. "what?!" Hailz shouted from the kitchen. She stormed into the living room with Tj following after her. She picked up her cell phone and stormed up to her room with Tj still behind her. I looked at Craig. "What happened?" I asked. He sighed. Oh no...what did Tj do?

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