What if im not there?

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Shane P.O.V.

"Shane, I'm going on tour." Craig said. I nodded. "Awesome!" I said. He nodded. We sat watching the rest of the movie before he stood up. "I have I go pick up Leila. I'll see you tomorrow." He said. I stood up and walked him to the door. He stood there and the. Kissed me before hugging me and walking into his car. I walked upstairs and I went into my room. I looked out my window and Craig was standing there on the phone. I opened my window to speak to him but I heard the word he won't speak to me. "I know..I'll be by in a little bit. I love you too. Bye." He said before walking down the street. I walked into my bathroom and I looked at myself. I let a tear fall before I looked for my little jewelry box. I found it and opened it. I pulled out the crimson stained object. Do I really wanna do this? Yes...I slid it across my skin multiple times. I hissed when I cut to deep. I put the blade in my box and hid it again. I cleaned my cuts, bandaged them, and walked into my room. I looked out my open window climbed out of my window and shut it. I sat on the roof and looked at the sky. "Why me? Do men just like to play with my emotions and feelings?" I said out loud. "Umm, I don't know...I haven't played with your feelings." I heard a voice say. I looked down to see Craig. I scoffed. "I heard you..." I said. He looked at me confused. Then he chuckled. "Shane, my car is next door still....I went to my grandmas....that's where Leila was dropped off...I was talking to my grandma..." Craig said before he disappeared into my house. I rushed into my room and grabbed a jacket and came back out onto the roof just as Craig walked into my room. I slipped on the jacket. Craig climbed onto my roof and sat next to me. "Humor me...do you not trust me..?" He asked. "Can I be honest? Not fully.." I said plainly. "I fucked up...I know....and I hate myself everyday for it...just try and trust me...I'm not gonna hurt you..." He said. I looked at him and nodded. We stood up and he climbed back into my room. He grabbed my wrist and I winced causing him to release me an I stumbled back and I fell off the roof. "Shane!" Craig shouted. I tried to sit up but my wrist hurt far worse than It has ever before. Craig came running out of my house and to my side. "Are you hurt?" He asked. "No" I lied. "Why did you wine like that?" He asked. "I stepped on something." I lied again. "Ok. Well let me help you up." He did and grabbed my wrist again. I couldn't hold in a hiss. The pain was unbearable. "You lied. Let me see your wrist. It might be broken." He said. "No. I'm fine. Go spend some time with Leila before you leave." I said. "She's sleeping." He replied before forcefully picking me up bridal style and carrying me I to my house. He set me on the couch and grabbed my arm, being careful of my wrist. I tried to shake him off but it was no use. He pulled up my sleeve And gasped. "Why did you do this?!" He almost shouted. "I let my mind get ahead of me...I'm sorry..." I said. He looked at me. "Shane....I don't know I I can go on tour if your not gonna trust me...what if you let your mind get ahead of you and I'm not here to explain or something? I don't want to be miles away and get a call saying that you were gone or something." He said. "You can't change fate....you have to go on tour..." I said. "Yeah I do...but your coming with.." He said. "Come on we have to get you to a hospital." He said and picked me up. He set me in his car and got in and drove to the hospital. He's treating me like a baby...

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