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Craig P.O.V.

"So you know her name is Sj?" Max asked. I nodded. "Maybe she lives in this town or something...or maybe she has the exact same dream." Robert said. I shrugged as we set up the stage.


Shane P.O.V.

"So he said he loved you in the dream?" Hailz asked. I nodded. "Well maybe you should ask him about it." She said. "I don't want to weird out my idol!" I said. She chuckled as we walked to the car. We got inside it and drove to the venue. We arrived shortly to see people entering it already. We parked and got out of the car. We gave the clerk our tickets and walked inside. We walked back to backstage and showed our passes. I slowed down my walking. "It's not like he knows who you are. Just pretend like you don't have the dream." Hailz said. I nodded as we turned into the green room. We stood there and seen monte walk out of a room. He smiled and walked over to us. "Hello. How are you two today?" He asked. "Awesome." Hailz replied. Monte smiled and hugged us. "Hey, guys get out here we have visitors." Monte shouted. Just then two more doors opened to reveal max and Robert. They smiled and came over to us and hugged us. "Hey where the fuck is the other little bitch at?" Robert asked. "I heard that!" A voice said. Just then Craig walked out of a room while fixing his shirt. He looked up at us and smiled but it faded quickly when he seen me. His mouth hung open. "'s fuckin you!" Craig said. "What are you talking about bro?" Robert asked. "The dream.! She's the girl!" Craig said an walked over to me. "Holy shit." Max said. "What dream?" I asked. Was he having the same dream as me? Does he know? Craig was about to explain everything to me when I stopped him. "Am I chopped to pieces in the dream.?" I asked. "Yes." Monte said. "Your names Sj." Craig said. I nodded slowly. "Your on stage now!" A man shouted. "Don't leave. We are gonna talk when I get back." Craig said. I nodded as he and the band walked off. Holy crap! He has the same dream?!

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now