The start of a new gorgeous nightmare....or a restart?...

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~ I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her. She started to cry harder then she did something unexpected....~

Craig P.O.V.

She slapped the shit out of me. "Fucking hell?!" I screeched and held my stinging cheek. "What are you doing here?!" She shouted at me. "My grandma lives next door.! I seen you crying and I came over to help you!" I hissed. She glared at me. "Your the reason I'm crying!" She screamed and went to go inside when I stopped her and picked her up and carried her to my grandmas. She beat against my back. "Let me go you Asshole!!" She spat. "Nope." I said popping the 'p' she started to kick and beat harder but I didn't budge. I walked into my grandmas and max, monte, and Robert all had a shocked and curious look on their faces. I was about to walk away when my grandma came in and looked at me. "Set the young girl down Craig.!" My grandma scolded. I huffed and dropped Sj. Sj landed with a thud. She glared at me as she sat on the floor. "Hello Shane." My grandma greeted with a smile. "Hey ms. Amelia." Shane(Sj) replied with a small grin. "Craig Edward, care to explain why you were carrying miss Shane like a barbarian?" My grandma asked. "She slapped me and I wanted to talk to her so I brought her over here." I explained. "I had a reason to slap you!" Shane growled. "May I know the reason.?" My grandma asked. I was about to let her speak when I realized why she slapped me. I used her....then I could I have forgot what I had done at that moment? Maybe because she was standing in front of you looking like a goddess. "Shane?" My grandma asked. I was prepared for my grandma to get up and slap me for doing what I had done to Shane. The slap never came though. Not even the words I expected Shane to say, came. Instead Shane told her something completely opposite. "He scared me. I had headphones in and I had my eyes closed when he sat next to me." Shane replied. "Oh. Next time tap on a lady and you won't get the smack from a lady." My grandma said to me and walked off. "That's complete bullshit." Robert said to Shane. "What?" She asked. "That wasn't the reason you slapped him." Monte replied. "And what was it then?" She asked. "Craig fucked you and left." Max said. I glared at him. "Shut up maxwell." She hissed. He held his hands up in defense. "I'm going home." Shane said and started to walk out when I followed her. "Why didn't you tell the truth? I deserve everything I get for what I did to you." I said. She stopped and turned around. "I don't looked frightened about what your grandma would do...and You don't deserve everything....well, MAYBE not after this. I haven't decided if I'll let it slide." She said then she punched me square in the eye. I fell to the ground clutching my eye. Damn she can throw a punch. She started to walk away but then she stopped and came back. She helped me up and pulled me to her house. We went inside and she pulled me to the kitchen. Hailz was in there cooking. She turned around and looked at me with anger. She seen me clutching my eye and smirked. "What happened? Finally get what you deserve?" She asked. "I punched him. And slapped him. And I'm still debating on castrating him." Shane replied while she pulled out a frozen bag of peas from the freezer. She pulled me upstairs and into a room that I'm guessing was hers. She sat me on the bed and sat next to me. She removed my Hand from my eye and put the frozen peas on it gently. We sat there in a weird silence before Shane put my hand on the bag of peas to hold it in place. She flicked on her light and then she removed the peas off my eye. She examined my eye. "It's gonna bruise. I'd say I'm sorry for punching you but we all know that I have no reason to apologize. The only reason I punched you though was because you never gave an explanation...and you never apologized." She said with a blank look. " I'm sorry. Sorry Is an understatement for this.! I deeply and truly hate myself for hurting you the way I did. My explanation for leaving and hurting you like that would be....I thought that I wasn't really in love with you. That I just wanted to get in your pants. It didn't feel right but I did it anyways. These past two weeks have been killing me. I've felt like a complete asshole because of it. But ever since I left that morning....your always in my fucking mind and it kills me to know I'm the one that made you cry. I'm the one that made you feel like you were used for my weren't used for my desire, but you were used to fuel my love for you...and now you probably won't give me another chance at 7 pm tonight so I can make it up to you...." I said. She looked at me for a long time before answering. "7:30pm. I have to go pick up my schedule from work and stuff at seven." She said. I smiled brightly and hugged her. "You won't regret this. I promise. And where do you work?" I said but asked the last part. "Eleven seven music records. Im an intern." She replied. "Really?! That's the record label me and ETF are signed to.?!" I shouted. "Oh great. I get to see you and your asshole friends more often." She huffed with a smirk on her face. I looked out her window to see gab and Leila walking into my grandmas. I stood up quickly. "I have to go. I'll see you at 7:30." I said and hugged her then I rushed off. I ran back to my grandmas and into her house. "What are you doing here?!" My grandma hissed at gab. "I came to see my boyfriend!" Gab replied and smiled once she seen me. "We aren't together gab. Please leave. It's my turn to have Leila so leave her and go!" I spat. "Babe..." Gab started. "Leave. I may have diabetes but I have ten minutes to beat the shit out of you and ten more minutes to get a new insulin pump." My grandma growled. Max and monte were holding in their laughter. Gab set down Leila and stormed off. "So, where were you and my god what happened to your eye?" My grandma asked with a smirk as she picked up Leila. "Hi daddy.!" Leila exclaimed. I smiled and hugged her. "Hey Leila rose." I said and kissed her forehead. " Shane punched me." I replied. Max spit out his soda and busted out in a fit of laughter. "Did you scare her again?" My grandma asked. "Well...not exactly...." I started. Max walked up to my grandma and whispered something in her ear. She looked shocked. "Craig Edward mabbitt!!" My grandma scowled. "You did what to that poor girl?!. Now I see why the lady smacked you and punched you...! You deserve far more than that." My grandma said. She pulled the cookie jar off the top of the fridge and opened it. She handed Leila and max a cookie. Max beamed. "Thank you grams." He said and munched on the cookie. "Your welcome sweet heart." She said. She handed the rest of us a cookie and I gave mine to Leila. She was happy to have another. She's obsessed with cookies. I ran upstairs to get ready for my date tonight. I'm glad Sj's giving me another chance..this might be a restart of my gorgeous nightmare....

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now