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Shane P.O.V.

"Hailz jones?" The doctor called. Me and hailz stood up. We walked back there and she took us to a room. She turned towards me. "Lay on the chair and lift up your shirt please miss Jones I presume your about three or four moths along." She said and looked at my stomach. I sent her daggers. "I'm not hailz.." I growled. "Oh..sorry." She said with an eye roll. Hailz looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and slumped into the chair next to the seat hailz was sitting in. "This is gonna be slightly cold." The doctor said and squeezed a gel onto hailz's stomach. Hailz cringed at the cold gel and I tried not to laugh. Hailz glared at me. Te lady to this little monitor and glided it across hailz stomach. "We'll it appears your not pregnant, but we don't know for sure yet. Your other test results should be in-I take that back, they're in." She said an stood up and walked out of the room. "She's a bitch." I said. Hailz sighed. "I agree. That gel was fuckin cold!" She exclaimed. I laughed. A few moment later the doctor walked back in. "Well it's confirmed. You're not pregnant. Sorry for the scare. Why dot we try you mrs..." She trailed off towards me. "Miss Belmont." I said through clenched teeth. "Just check so you can see how cold the gel is..we both know you aren't pregnant." hailz whispered. I sighed grabbed the little cup they wanted me to pee in. I went to the bathroom an did my business then I came back and handed the doctor te cup. She gave it to a nurse and the nurse left. I sat on the cushioned chair and lifted my shirt. Without warning the doctor squeezed the gel on my stomach. I cringed and sent her daggers once more. She smiled and moved the little monitor over my stomach. She frowned at the screen. I smirked. "Hmm, The monitor appears to not be working. We will also have to see your other test." She said. "Why? I already know I'm not pregnant." I said in a duh tone. "Your stomach begs to differ the doctor said and walked out. I wiped my stomach off and pulled my shirt down then I climbed off the table. "Let's go. We both know the results. I'm not pregnant." I told hailz. She nodded mad we gathered our stuff. I opened the door and the doctor stood there. "Your pregnant." She said. "I told you I already know my- wait what?" I questioned. "It appears that your pregnant. Congrats." She said and handed me the paper. I glared at her as we walked out. Me and hailz made it to the car and I got in. I looked at the paper and sure enough, it said the word I was dreading.


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