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Shane P.O.V.

I woke up with a pounding head ache. I remembered all that's happened last night. I smiled about Craig then I realized he wasn't next to me. I shrugged and figured maybe he was taking a shower before he ha to leave or something. I got up and got dressed quickly. I walked out of my room and the shower wasn't running. I walked downstairs to see hailz cooking breakfast. "Hey." I greeted. Where was Craig? Did he leave without saying goodbye? Maybe he had to leave early. He said he'd text me. Then I realized. We never got each others numbers, like ever. "Hey what's wrong?" Hailz said while walking over to my side of the island. "I think Craig just used me.." I croaked out. He hugged me as I sobbed into her chest. "Oh sweetheart....I'm so sorry. Wait, what do you mean you think he used you?" She questioned. "We had sex last night..." I croaked out before sobbing. "Oh my god. What an asshole! I swear to fucking god that if I ever seen that stupid Rockstar again I'm gonna be going to jail for a long time.!" Hailz growled. "Come on let's get some ice cream and I can tell you some good news!!" Hailz sang. I smiled weakly at the thought of ice cream. Me and hailz got the tub of (insert ice cream flavor) and sat on the couch in the living room while slowly eating the ice cream. "Ok so that news?" I questioned. Hailz face lit up. "Ok. You know how I was hoping to get that new position to work? I got it!! But guess what? It's in Arizona! And me and you get a bigger and better house!! I'm the new CEO of eleven seven music records!!!" She shouted. I hugged her. "I'm so happy for you hailz!" I said. "And I talked to your boss...your my new intern!! You get paid a lot of money..but not as much as me...but you'll work your way up pretty quickly..." She said. I smiled. "Come on!! I got boxes this morning! Go pack up your room and shit.!" Hailz exclaimed. I laughed and went up to my room while she brought me some boxes and I immediately started to pack up my room. I finished after about forever. I checked my phone, but nothing from no one. I looked around my room. Nothing. Everything was in boxes. I smiled weakly. Hailz walked into my room. "We leave next week." She said. I nodded and hugged her. I started to sob on her. "Shh. I know he hurt me, you won't have to see him again...I promise.!" She said. I nodded. "I feel so used." I said. We sat like this for I don't know how long...I'm glad to have hailz as my bestfriend.

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now