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Shane P.O.V.

"Craig! I can still carry things with my other hand." I huffed. "Stop it. I'm not letting you get hurt anymore than you are." He said. I rolled my eyes. You fall off a roof and break your arm and your automatically disabled. Craig and me walked onto the bus. Th was siting there with hailz. I waved at the and hailz jumped up. "Craig, please take of her...I have that stupid world conference to attend and I'm glad your taking her with you....."hailz said. Tj stood up and kissed and then she left. I followed Craig to his bunk. "Unfortunately, there isn't anymore extra bunks so your stuck in a bunk with me" Craig said. I laughed. "Oh no.! Kill me now." I said sarcastically. He flipped me off and pulled me in for a random hug. I inhaled his scent. He smelled....amazing....his scent was comforting and cozy. "Are you smelling me shane?" He asked. I giggled and nodded. "Creep." He said. I pulled away from him and hit him playfully. He held his arm and groaned. I smirked and walked off. I sat on the couch in the living area. I was watching the little tv when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked

"Is this Shane Belmont.?" A woman's voice asked.

"Um yes. May I ask who's speaking.?" I questioned.

"This is doctor Kay. Um your on hailz jones emergency contacts list and I'm afraid she's been in an accident." The doctor Said. I dropped the phone and ran to the front where the driver is. "Turn around! Go to the hospital! Go!" I shouted. He jumped and turned the bus as quick as he could. "Hey, what's going on.?" Craig asked concerned. I grabbed my phone and held it up to my ear.

"Are you still there?" I asked

"Yes. Um as I was saying. She's in surgery right now but if you could get here as quick as possible then that would be great." She said.

"I'm on my way." I said and hung up the phone. I sat down and shook my leg as the bus drove. "Shane what's going on?" Craig asked as he set next me. "" I said. The bus stopped. "We're here!" The bus driver shouted. I jumped up and ran off the bus. I ran into the hospital and to the front desk. " I'm here for hailz jones." I said breathlessly. She smiled and searched through the computer. "She jut got out of surgery. She's in room 2798." The lady at the desk said. Craig had caught up to me when I took off for hailz room. I ran around and found it finally. I ran inside it and stopped when I seem hailz on the hospital bed with cuts and scratches all over her. My lip quivered. I heard footsteps behind me. I walked up to hailz bed and gripped her hand. "She's in a coma." I heard a deep voice say. I turned and seen Craig and a doctor. "We don't know when she will wake up." The doctor said again and walked out. I turned back towards hailz. "Wake up. Please...I need're my best friend. The crazy bitch who knows me like the back of her hand. You're my've been there for me when I had no one else. I need you to wake up and tell me your crazy stories about your conferences. I need to be your intern and learn from you at work." I croaked. I heard someone walk into the room. I looked and seen Tj. He rushed to her other side. He kissed her cheek and hand. Years rolled down his face. " shouldn't have left...I should have stayed...I'm so sorry...." He cried. Please wake up hailz...

(Sorry Hailz00 I don't want you to die but something crazy had to happen. Please don't be mad... I love you c:)

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