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Shane P.O.V.

~When he looked got closer to me~

"Can I ask you another question?" He questioned. I nodded slowly. "Would it be weird if I felt a connection with you? Not because of the dream...just because your you..." He asked. I looked at him and he had serious in his eyes. Is he serious? A connection? I'm just like every other person...and wait...what about his girlfriend and kid? My thoughts were interrupted by him standing up. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have even said anything. We barely just met and I'm a little drunk anyways....come on your probably tired you can sleep in my bunk and I'll sleep on the couch." He said. "No I can sleep on the couch and you can have your bunk." I said. "No your a girl.." He said. I laughed. "I'm not sleeping in your bunk if you have to sleep on the why don't we sleep in there together?" I questioned. He looked at me with a smirk and I blushed. I stood up and walked over to him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bunk area. He opened a curtain to reveal a bunk that had black sheets. He rummaged through a duffle bag and pulled out a pair of black basketball shorts and a black T-shirt. He handed them to me. "You need something to sleep in that isn't skinny jeans." He said. I nodded and walked to the bathroom. I went inside and changed. I walked out to see the rest of the band drunk off their asses. Craig was sitting there looking irritated. He seen me and walked per next to me. He had basketball shorts and no shirt. I looked him up and down and l looked away and blushed I like Craig? Haha what kind of question is that? It's obvious you do!!!. Craig held out his hand and I took it. "We are going to bed. Night guys." Craig called to the band as he pulle me back to his bunk. He motioned me to get inside so I did. He followed suit and laid next to me. He wrapped one arm around me. "It's more comfortable like this." He said. I nodded before I fell asleep. No dream, nothing. I loved it. I hope Craig didn't dream that dream either...

Craig P.O.V.

I woke up to Shane still asleep. I got up and out of my bunk. I went into the front lounge and grabbed a water bottle. I to a gulp of it. I checked the time. 3:55 am. I stopped and realized what just happened. I woke up, but not from the dream!!! I had a dreamless sleep.!!! I ran to the bunks and looked at Shane. She was sleeping peacefully. I smiled and crawled in next to her. She stirred. "Craig?" She asked. "Yes?" I asked. "I feel a connection too." She said. What is she- oh my god...what I said earlier...she feels this weird thing too.!!! Wait, but gab...we are back together....what do I do?? I can't just heat on her...and I'm not even sure I like Shane...maybe I just want to get in her pants. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll have sex with her and then we will never see eachother again and maybe that dream will go away since we met. It obviously already went away. Ill break up with gab and find a way to have sex with Shane and then I can just leave her in this town and promise her that I'll text her everyday when I really won't...I fell asleep contemplating on my plan.

Gorgeous nightmare ~Craig mabbitt FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now