Chapter 17 : Honey!

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I tried to look for Vincent through my vision and it was difficult! I've never done it before!

My vision travels as if it was me and gosh! If I did looked for him myself I would have encountered special students who dared to hurt me! Some are kind but the others are too arrogant! They even tried to use their power against me. Everytime I failed, I try another path looking for him.

A normal human couldn't last long in their building! This was difficult, how did I forgot to ask the girls where to go?

I was here inside the girls restroom meditating but the truth, I traveled through my vision. I locked the door and made sure no one is here before I got in, thankful that there are lesser students staying in the campus during weekends.

And there! I saw Vincent, thank God! He went inside an office. I walked towards the office door and saw a sign saying 'Super 5 Office'.

Hhmm, so they have their own office, I see.

I opened my eyes and stand up, I'll go there myself. Looking at my watch, oh shit! 8:00 am, I need to go faster. I used the easy path where I will not encounter those bastards who thinks highly of themselves.

Well, I just learned a new tactic of my power.

8:20 am, I am now standing in front of his office door, but before I knocked, I ensured that no one is inside except him... Vincent. Again, I used my power.

Oh how fortunate I am today, he's alone.

I knocked 3 times and didn't wait a minute for his response as I opened the door.

"Honey!" I yelled opening my arms.

Seeing his eyes widen in surprised made me smirked.

"Shit! What are you doing here!?" He asked putting down his ballpen looking at me.

I pouted "Today is my birthday." And then I smiled "Let's go out?"

I saw his eyes for a moment, if I'm not mistaken it... glistened. Huh? But it changes into cold ones. "No."

"But why? I was just asking for your time." I pouted again.

"Exactly, I don't have time. I have a meeting today, go look for someone else." He ordered as he took his ballpen and write something on the paper which is not of my business.

"Unfortunately, I only want you." I said looking at the whole office, it looks neat and modern, a big room that has 5 tables with chairs beside and a living area.

"Unfortunately, I don't wanna go out with you." He said but didn't give a glance on me as he focuses on his writing.

I sighed and sit on the chair in front of his desk. "Vincent, today is my 17th birthday and I never invited a guy my whole life. You should be proud of yourself."

"I don't care and will you please shut your mouth? The door is waiting for you." He arrogantly stated.

"Yeah, the door is waiting for us." I said smiling. I looked at him once again but he's busy with his work, I sighed "James keep asking for my time but the guy I love didn't even care for me."

He didn't answer "So I guess you leave me no choice." I said and there, he faced me with questioning look.

I raised the pictures that made his face turned serious. A picture of us where he held me bridal style and another one where he laid me on my bed staring at my face.

I merely forgot that I put a hidden CCTV camera inside my room, that was in case someone dared to open my room without permission.

The moment I watched it made me fall for him even more.

"You look so handsome here." I smiled waving the pictures in front of him.

"Are you threatening me?" His voice was cold. Oh no.

Pouting I said "I have to, birthdays happened once a year and you're the first person I fell in love with and oh, I have copies in my room, I can immediately call my friends and spread these pictures." I smiled sheepishly.

"Aish. Fine, but after the meeting." He said.

"No, we don't have much time if you need to finish that meeting." I smiled "I want to be with you, whole day."

He messed with his hair, so handsome... "Do you want to die?" His voice was deadly.

"You won't kill me." I said with confident.

"Why would you say so?" He asked but his voice seems to be challenging.

"You just can't." Because if he kills me, a vision have already popped on my head to warn me.

"Are you challenging me?" He said in serious voice.

"You're the school leader Vincent and if I die, my friends will be looking for me and they knew that I was with you. So, you will be the primary suspect. You killed an innocent girl, how cool could that be?" I smiled wiggling my eyebrow.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath calming himself. When he opened his eyes, he took his phone, tapping and after a while he put it near his ear "Cancel the meeting, I have something to do." He said and ended the call.

I smiled in victory "Thank you, thank you, I knew it! You love me so much!"

"Tch. Remember this," he stand up and leaned closer to me "you threatened me today and I will never let this go. You'll pay for this."

I also lessen the distance as I slowly leaned on him closer. "I'll pay it with my life, I'm yours." I said barely a whisper.

His eyes turned submissive as he stand up straight and walked towards the door "Where to?" He asked. So cute!

I smirked, you're making me fall deeper in love with you Vincent without knowing it.

"Disney Palace!" I exclaimed.

Students who get to see us are staring particularly at me with disgust, anger or envy. Some, looked at us with admiration but I ignore them.

"Where's your car?" He suddenly asked.

"I don't have one." I said smiling.

"Any transportation then?"

"None." The moment I said the word he stopped and face me.

"How could you invite me without bringing any transportation?" He scolded.

I lowered my head "I knew you have a car so..." and I looked up to see his angry face, I smile "let's use it."

He massage his temple, controlling his anger. Then he sighed "You're getting in my nerves."

"Is that how I affect you?" I asked smiling with glistening eyes.

"Will you stop that act!? I thought you're from the Genius Course, so start acting like one!" He yelled and continue walking... mad.

I sighed "I'm sorry for making you mad." I sincerely stated.

He stop in a blue car and open the door of the passenger seat. "Get in."

I smiled happily getting in as he said. "Thank you Vincent!" I giggled.

"Tch." And he went to the driver seat.

"I'm so excited!" I said out loud.

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