Chapter 19 : Phone Call

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"Yes way!" I cheered running towards the Bump Car booth.

"For 2 person please." I said to the man assigned in the booth.

"For how long ma'am?" He asked.

"1 hour." I stated smiling.

"That long!? Make it 30 minutes." He said to the man.

"Don't mind him. 1 hour, I'll be paying for it." I used my sweet voice to the man and he listed 1 hour giving us the coins.

"Here, Enjoy!" He said.

"Thank you." And I grabbed Vincent who looks frustrated towards the small cars.

I smiled in success, I'll make you busy until 10:30 am passes Vincent.

"Hey honey!" I called catching his attention to face me since he keeps on ignoring me.

"Will you stop calling me honey!" He faced me annoyed. Gotcha!

"Okay, by the way, I have a proposal for you." I said.

"What is it?" He asked in curiosity.

"Let's play 21, if I win, do not let anyone disturb us until afternoon but if you win, let's go back to school after the game." I said smiling.

"What's 21?" He asked confused.

"Oh it's a game, once you catched me, I'll catch you back. If the time ends, the catcher will be declared as the loser. Let's put it into bumping cars." I explained.

"Okay, I'm in." He said with determination while looking at me straight in the eye

I smirked. "Great! Smile!" I said and clicked my phone.

"Hey! Delete it!" He demanded trying to get my phone.

"Oops. I'm sorry, I can't." I put my tongue out on him and laugh running towards the red car. "Take the pink car!" I yelled at him laughing.

There are only two cars left, one is red and the other is pink. He frustratedly get in the pink car while I keep on laughing.

I sighed. I'm sorry Vincent, this is all for you. I can't let you go back this morning or they will put the blame on you, I don't know how but when I got a hold of his hand earlier at the Roaler Coaster, they blame the death of an administrator on him.

I'm curious how did the administrator get there if the meeting was already cancelled. Things are getting strange, from the Fighters Laboratory to the Explosion of the building.

This is the only thing I can do, to save the Super 5 and some of the administrators, if someone will die today, that would be out of my reach.

Before I start the car, I stole a picture of him. I need these pictures for evidence and the rest is up to my act.

10:10 am, not long after the administration building will explode. I think of the other way, and telling him is also one of the option... however, it didn't changed everything. The building will explode and that administrator will still die but me... I will be in great danger.

I have only one conclusion, the enemy knows about the cancellation of the meeting and that administrator is the sacrifice to put the blame on Vincent, why are they targetting him?

My instinct is telling me not to tell anyone yet... even Vincent.

"Hey!" I yelled at Vincent who just bumped my car which made me out of thought but I stiffened, he's more handsome when smiling.

The butterflies in my stomach is getting insane. "Your turn!" He yelled and run his car as fast as he can.

"I'm coming to get you!" I yelled but when I realizes how far he got "Hey! Wait for me!" I shouted and he laughs.

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