Chapter 31 : Fall

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Stella's POV

"Have you reach her?" Elena asked.

"No, still out of coverage." I answered in worry.

"Try calling her again." Jenna demanded and I obeyed.

*Sorry, the person you are trying to reach is out of coverage.*

Ugh! "Let's find her."

We were in the bench we should met for lunch but until now Kelly did not come, we've been trying to call her but still out of coverage.

The girls nodded in approval.

"Why don't we try to spread out so that we can easily find Kelly." Jenna suggested.

"That's a good idea Jenna." Elena agreed.

"Okay, Elena you try to look at Kelly's classes this morning." And I turn to look at Jenna "Jen, try the Wheels Garden, she might have gone there first and I will take a look at her dorm. Call me immediately if you have information of her whereabouts."

"Aye, aye Captain!" They saluted and went on their task.

Kelly... please stay safe.

I went to the Geniuses Dorm Building her room is located at the second floor so I rushed to reach it. I easily unlocked the door and when I saw her room... it was peaceful seems like she's not here.

"Kelly?" I called but no response, my fear for her safety gotten stronger than it was.

I searched in her room, bathroom and places she could be but no one is here, the things was just the way it was. Suddenly, my phone rings and I looked at the caller ID, Elena. I didn't think twice and answer it.

"Have you found her?" She asked.

"Not yet, she's not in her room. So how is it?" I tried to look for things I could see that might lead us to her.

"Stella, don't panic okay?" She ensured.

"Spill it Elena." I stated even though I fear for what may have come.

"Kelly did not attend her classes this morning." She blurted, goosebumps appeared on me.

"How about Jenna, did she call you?" I was hoping she found Kelly.

"She texted me, she said Kelly wasn't there." She said in worry.

"Let's try to search the school Elena. Let's hope we see her... safe." I stated.

She breathed "Okay." And then ended the call.

I reached the first floor and when I stepped my foot out of the building...

"Stella!" I heard someone called my name, that voice. And things happened so fast as I felt someone bumped into me and I just saw myself lying on the top of...

"Kenneth?" My heart was pounding so fast, his face is just inches away from mine... this handsome jerk.

Wait- what the hell happened!? I immediately stand up out of him, he stand up tapping his shirt from the dust.

"What happened?" I asked and then he looked at the floor from where I was standing earlier.

I saw a broken flower path, shit! I looked up to see no one in there.

"I saw someone accidentally touched the flower path from the second floor and it lost the balance... until it was falling exactly to you. Tch, next time be cafeful." He arrogantly said.

Aish, the moment was already good until he destroyed it, jerk.

"Yes sir, thank you." I sarcastically stated, and then I got confused "What are you doing here?"

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