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"This is not good, things are getting worse." An old man said as he kept pacing back and forth.

"Their lives are in danger, Grandpa. We do not know when he will move, we need to move first before everything will be too late." A girl sitting on the sofa with worry in her face, despite it, the beauty shines in her with her wavy brown hair that cascades through her back.

"I know, I know. I don't have any idea where to see the people in prophecy. I don't know where to start... All I have is you. He said as he looked straight to the girl.

The girl sighed, "I will not leave my responsibility grandpa, I will stay here with you until we find all of them."

"We need to find the eye first," The old man said to the girl.

"But where can we find the eye?" The girl asked as she stood up determined to do everything she can in the situation.

The old man faced the window looking up to the moving white clouds in the blue sky "We don't need to find the eye, she is coming... I can feel it." he said.

The girl's heartbeat bangs so fast "Do you mean... the destruction is getting near?" She asked with fear in her eyes.

"You can already see it, with the situation that is out of hand, this will not get long." He answered even with his now emotionless face, the worry in his face was visible and the girl could feel it.

"Don't worry grandpa, everything will be fine." The girl said comforting the old man.

"I hope..." He said as he smiled weakly.

"Just... trust us... trust the prophecy." The girl added to lessen her grandpa's worry as she tapped his back.

"Trust the prophecy." The old man said as he nodded.

He immediately went to his room and looked for the box under his bed, he suddenly pulled the box close to him. The girl is watching his every move with curiosity in her face.

"What are you doing Grandpa?" She asked.

"I'm looking for the Book of Prophecy; I know I put it here." He said, however when he opened the box, he saw nothing but an empty shell. Fear covered his face as his heart kept pumping so hard that it might come out any moment... he feels scared. "No, no, no, it shouldn't be." He said.

"What wrong Grandpa?" The girl asked as she got closer to her grandfather and looked at the empty box.

"The Book of Prophecy..." He said, unable to say the reality, he could not believe what was happening. He is afraid that his conclusions were true.

Who will ever know he is living in that place? Who will ever find him in the most hidden place? Did someone follow him?

"What's about the book of Prophecy?" The girl asked with fear in her voice, even though her grandpa couldn't say the word, she could feel it, she could feel the worry and fear.

The Book of Prophecy should not be taken in any possible ways, it shouldn't disappear. No one should see it, no one... or else the hope of the world will disappear as well.

Bad guys should not read it... if it goes to the hands of bad guys. Chaos. Chaos will be all around.

"I-it's g-gone." When she heard those words from her grandfather, she felt all the confidence... all the hopes are gone.

"It might just be somewhere, Grandpa. You might have misplaced it." She said as she started searching for the book somewhere possible.

"No, I only put it here." The old man said in defeat.

The girl stopped searching as she looked at her Grandpa. "What shall we do, Grandpa?" She asked as her voice was just merely a whisper.

She thought, who would ever come to their place when it is hidden in nowhere?

No one could ever come to this place except the eye... only the eye could lead here... but how come the Book of Prophecy just disappeared?

"I don't know... when is the School's Opening?" The old man said as he sat on the bed looking forward to the wall, like he was thinking deeply.

"Maybe by next two months, Grandpa. They are still evaluating the potential students." The girl answered, unable to read his grandfather's mind.

"Let's just hope no one could find the eye... until we do." He said.

"How about the protectors?" When she said the word 'protectors' she could feel her body in heat as her heart pumped in an unnatural manner.

The old man looked at her "They will meet... you will meet. That is what the book says, the people in prophecy will do the responsibilities as their heart tells."

"Do you think we will all meet before it will be too late?" She asked.

The old man sighed as he looked deeply into his granddaughter's eyes. "That is what I hope... if possible find them." He stood up as he walked closer towards her. "Use your heart. You are one of them, I'm sure you can feel them." He said.

The girl nodded "Yes Grandpa, I will do my best. I will find them... especially the Eye." She said with all determination.

"Go." The old man said.

"The girl nodded and started heading to the place where she hopes to find the people in the prophecy... she needs to find the protectors, elementors and the Eye.

Every steps she takes, it makes the stone in the ground move.


"Did you get it?" A man wearing a suit asked to one of his disciples.

His disciple looks like a middle-aged man but his face is like a sun, it is so bright as he nodded.

"Just as you ordered, boss." He answered.

"Good." He said as he extended his hand, and his disciple immediately handed him an old book.

The man smiled and then looked at his disciple "Did you read the content."

He shook his head as he answered "No boss."

"As always, you are honest and trustworthy. Now, proceed to your next mission." He ordered.The middle-aged man nodded as he went out of the office.

The man sighed as he leaned at his swivel chair, he opened the book and started reading it. "It is just as precise as what I saw." He said to himself.

"I need to go and visit the Eye." He stood up as he smirked. "Oh, hell breaks loose."

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