Chapter 20 : Who Are You?

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Vincent's POV

Ever since my mother died, I've never been this happy. I looked at her... but the only thing I see is a free girl who keeps no worry.

I even forgot the main reason I came with her, to know one thing... the mystery she was hiding.

I wanted to ask but she will only answer me, not the way I wanted it.

Ever since she followed me in the Administration Building, she keeps on bothering my mind. How could she survived the way without powers? How could she follow me? Oh yeah, she's genius and smart but something is missing... and I wanted to find that out... today.

Why did she forced me to go with her? The reason of her birthday seems not enough to answer my curiosity.

But despite of those curiosity, today... I can't deny that I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being free for once.

I sighed.

Fuck! I remembered that I put my phone into silent mode earlier at my office to avoid disturbance during the meeting. I forgot to check James and the rest.

I immediately took my phone on my pocket and "Oh shit!" 46 new messages and 82 missed calls. Good thing my phone didn't worn out of battery.

A new incoming call from James. I looked at Kelly and said "Wait here, I'll take this call."

Standing up, I walked on the distance and answered the call.

"At last! Dude, where the hell are you!? Are you okay?" James exclaimed.

"I'm in..." I stopped not knowing if I should tell him or not. "I'm fine, what's wrong?" I asked sensing the problem.

"Vince, the Administration Building was destroyed, particularly the third floor." Kenneth intervene and the moment I heard it my eyes immediately falls into Kelly who looks at the carnival with face that I can't decipher.

"When did it happen?" I asked in serious tone.

"Earlier, at exactly 10:30 am. You won't believe it dude, I discovered that the explosion came from the C-4 explosive." Josh explained.

C-4 is a deadly explosive that can destroy a building in an instant but with John, we can survive it.

"Vince... early morning I was told not to join the meeting. It seems like it was already planned to kill you, including all the administrators. Thankfully, you cancelled the meeting." John said and I can sense the worry in his voice.

But I remained silent not realizing that my hand clenches in anger.

"Any casualties?" My voice turned hard.

There was a moment of silence until I heard James sighed "Come back here dude."

"I'm coming." I said and ended the call.

I walked passed Kelly but left a word "Let's go." And continue walking.

She followed me until we reached the parking lot, I stopped in front of my car just as I felt her stopped behind me.

"The Administration Building was destroyed earlier at 10:30 in the morning." I blurted out and turned around to face her.

"Hhmm... we need to go then." She said and headed towards my car but I hold her wrist stopping her.

"You knew it, don't you?" I asked.

That night in front of the administration building... I knew I can't get away if Henry's men caught me, especially with those number of armed men.

And today, if the meeting was held, something bad might happened to us.

Everytime she goes to me something bad should happen... to me in particular. Seems like... she was there to... protect me.

"What are you talking about?" She asked innocently looking at me straight in the eye.

"You knew it would happen that's why you dragged me here. Who are you? Why do you keep protecting me? Did my father sent you?" I blurted the curiosity that building up on me.

"I don't know what you're talking about and how many times should I have to tell you that I'm only working for myself." She said and hold my hand that is holding her wrist. She smiled "By the way, I'm the girl who's madly inlove with you."

And there it is again, the intensive feeling that I felt everytime she said the word... love. This feeling is new to me and instead of feeling disgusted by her act... I felt, otherwise. But I keep on ignoring it, because it shouldn't be.

I let go of her hand "Let's go." I seriously stated and went towards my car.

I take a sit on the driver seat and the moment she placed herself, we drove off.

On the way, I can't help but think of the incoming danger. "Kelly." I called.

"Hhmm?" She hummed in response.

"Promise me one thing." I said to her.

"What is it?" She asked looking at me.

"Promise me first." I ensured.

"Nope, tell me first. What is it?" She insisted.

Sighing, I said "Don't come to me again."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't think I can do that." She said, I don't even know what's inside her mind.

"Just stay away from me Kelly!" I almost yelled. I can't risk someone's life because of my recklessness.

"I... I..." she stuttered, I glanced at Kelly to see her looking down while playing with her hands. "Are you pushing me away?" She asked in sadness.

"Isn't it obvious?" I retaliated arrogantly.

This is for your own safety.

"Do you believe in the saying, the more you hate, the more you love?" She asked all of a sudden.

"I don't." I said with my eyes set on the road.

"Oh I do! I also believe that the more you pushed a person away, means the more you wanted her beside you." I can sense her looking at me with a smile.

"Fuck!" I abruptly stopped the car and faced her "How can you be so stupid!?"

"I'm sorry, I was j-just stating." I now sensed the fear radiating from her.

"Don't you have consideration left for yourself?" I can't help but say it, I only wanted to get her away from me, from the danger.

"Y-you disgust m-me?" She asked with watering eyes. Oh shit!

I did not realized, my hands clenches in anger... anger for myself. I just made this girl cry, who's mistake is loving me.

I breathed deeply "We have to go." I started the car once again.

The ride was silent until, "Don't worry, after this day... you'll never heard of me again." She said.

I suddenly felt a pang of pain in my chest from her words but I ignored it "Good."

"Exceptwhenyou'reindanger." She murmured.

"What did you say?" I could not understand it clearly because of the lowness of her voice and fast way she spoke.

"Oh, I said we're near the school." She immediately answered.

"But that's not the way I heard it. Oh well, it doesn't matter." I parked the car and we got out.

Before I got away, I heard her calling my name. "Vincent!"

I turned my back and saw her waving at me with a smile "take care, okay?" She said.

I nodded "You too." I said but more to myself.

She turned her back walking away while I was left on my spot watching her from behind. Her beauty is truly captivating but I am not the person who easily get swayed by looks... then why?

What did you do to me Kelly? Who are you?

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