☆ Chapter 17: Wedding Mission Part 1 ☆

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☆ The next day ☆

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☆ The next day ☆

☆ 3rd person perspective ☆

You were training until suddenly an anbu black op came, appearing right infront of you. "Hello (Name)-" before he could say anything else you cut him off and say "Namikaze or Uzmaki, you choose," you say crossing your arms, the anbu nods and says "(Name)(your answer), please come to Lord 3rd's office, he pleases to have a word with you and if you do see Kakashi Hatake tell him to go too." the anbu stated, you nod as the anbu disappears in thin air.

☆ some momments later ☆

You went to go seek out for Kakashi, and saw him laying under a tree taking a nap? You walked up to him and slapped him on the head hard. That was a very nice way to wake up a person, right? "Hey! What did you do that for?!" Kakashi asked as he rubbed his head. "It's called a "get up you lazy ass bitch", now by the way the Hokage needs us." You say as you grab his arm.

☆ Time skip ☆

"Hello Lord 3rd, we came as you asked." You said bowing even Kakashi. "Well I'm glad both of you are here because, I have a mission for you both. This mission is to attend a wedding." He Lodd 3rd said making you and Kakashi confused. "A wedding?" Kakashi asked. "Well yes, a wedding in the hidden flower village." Lord 3rd said. "Well, why do we have to go there? Just me and (Name)?" Kakashi asked looking at the hokage. "Well it's actually a marriage for a Princess, Princess Yuiki Yato. She requested shinobi to attend her wedding. It's because she's royalty and she needs guards, like ninja's. That means you both will go under disguise." The hokage said while the two anbu walked up to you and Kakashi giving you clothing to wear.

"Kakashi will be the grooms best man, while you, (Name) will be the brides maid of honor." He said while you and Kakashi checked out our clothing. "The wedding starts tomorrow morning, and it will end at night, so that means you'll be returning home the next day after the wedding." You and Kakashi nod at Lord 3rd's commands. "You are both dismissed." But then you both got stopped. "You'll be leaving today the carriage will arrive shortly for you two." You both nod and leave.

☆ Time skip ☆

You started to pack your things for this 3 day trip or 2 day trip, you don't really know. You even packed the dress you had been given in your bag as well. You don't know how they got you and Kakashi's measure ments but who cares? After you were done you met Kakashi at the front gates, seeing the carriage right in front of you both. "Are you two Mr. Kakashi and Ms. (Name)? The driver asked as me and Kakashi nod and got into the carriage.

☆ Time skip ☆

You got to the wedding and stayed at the cabins that were given to all the members at the wedding, all the people who had a role in the wedding. You then saw Princess Yuiki walk up to you and Kakashi. "Oh! You two must be the two ninja's that Hokage sent right?" She asked looking at you and Kakashi. "Yes ma'am!" You bowed. "Aww! You're so cute!" Yuiki said rubbing her cheek against yours. "Well you two be prepared tomorrow okay? Get a good nights sleep!" She said walking of to her cabin, while you and Kakashi go to your guys cabin. You both unpacked all your belongings and went to sleep. In separate beds.

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