☆ Chapter 20: Valentine's Day Special; Valentine Festibal ☆

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☆Time Skip to Valentine's Day ☆

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☆Time Skip to Valentine's Day ☆

☆ 3rd person perspective ☆

Today was Valentine's Day, love was in the air. Valentine's Day is a day of love of course. Today was also the day of the Valentine's Day Festival. The festival happens every Valentine's Day. It mostly it starts at sunset because there was going to be fireworks. You asked Minato and Kushina, your parents, if you could go and of course they said yes. It was because they where going too. You then went to go change, you wore something not too fancy or anything just something simple you would wear. A dress to be exact with the Valentine's Day common colours.

You then looked at yourself in the mirror and you looked nice, not too fancy or anything. You took it off for later and put on your casual wear. You then went downstairs to wave Kushina and Minato goodbye and went out. You pretty much have lot's of time to spare before the Valentine's Day Festival begins. It was morning anyways and you had to wait until about night time to begin.

After a while of walking you then saw Rin walking around so you decided to walk with her, since you had nothing to do. "Hey Rin!" Rin turned around and saw you waving at her coming her way. "Oh hey (Name)! What are you up to today?" Rin asked. "Oh, I'm just killing some time for the Festival how about you?" Rin looked at you. "Oh nothing I just thought it would be nice to walk around, get some exercise or something. Oh and by the way if your going to the festival, do you have a valentine?" You looked at Rin with a "wait what" face at her. "Really?" You ask and Rin nods, "Oh do we really have too?" "No, you can if you want but I'm just saying it would be more fun if you did." "Oh." You then look away and we both walk in silence.

☆ End of POV ☆

☆ Obito POV ☆

I was on my daily stroll until I saw Bakakashi walking by. "Oi Bakakashi!" I yell as I ran up to him. "What do you want Obito." He asked with a boring tone. "Are you going to attend the Valentine's Day Festival?" I ask him. "Why?" he asked not giving me a straight answer. "Well because, you like (Name) right?" I asked Bakakashi while he drank his water but when he heard me say "you like (Name) right" he spat it out. "Why would you tell me that?!" Bakakashi asked while wiping his mouth, wait. Bakakashi looks kind of ugly with that mask off, not going to lie. But whatever. "You can ask her to be your Valentine stupid." I answered "W-what?!Why would I?" He stuttered "Well I don't know, you two are pretty close not going to lie." I said crossing my arms. "Besides you do like her and I know it! I also know that you were going to find her so you can ask her out!" I also said with a smart like tone. "This is the only time I agree with you." Bakakashi said while he sweatdropped. "Hey! I'm not that dumb stupid idiot." I look at him sharply.

"Then what do I do?" He looked at me changing the subject and I looked at him. "Just, you know,  ask her to be your Valentine, it's that simple like, really." I explained, Kakashi sighed. "Oh I see them." I then say looking at Rin and (Name). "What?" Bakakashi answered looking all over the place. "Are you blind look!" I pointed at Rin and (Name). "O-" Before Bakakashi said anything I cut him off "Hey (Name)!" "Oh hey Obito! Do you need anything?" (Name) asked me, I look at Bakakashi he was drinking water then I look back at (Name) so, "So like, (Name), Bakakashi told me he wanted you to be his Valentine for the Valentine's Day Festival." I say loud enough for Kakashi to hear what I said. Then I turned around and saw Kakashi spitting out his water, again. "Really?" I heard (Name) say "Yeah." Then Kakashi came up to us and said "Obit-" but then I cut him off again "Okay I'm going to see you all right? So see ya later!" I shout as I ran away.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

I see Obito run off "Well see you guys there I guess." Rin smiles and walks away, it was just me and Kakashi now. "So I'll see you there?" I look at Kakashi. "Well yeah I guess, now that your my valentine." I nod and wave goodbye and he waves back.

☆ Time skip ☆

I got ready and wore the dress I had prepared and headed out with mom and dad. We then start to leave and head to the festival. I asked if I could go by myself and they said yes. I was capable of walking by myself because I want to give my parents alone time and also because I had a valentine. I went to go find Kakashi and I saw him on a near by bench. "Oi Kaka-boi I'm here!" I yell, he turns to look my way. "Sorry but my name is not "Kaka-boi"." He says as he walks up to me. I then grab his wrist. "Well it's nice and I don't care." I pull him towards where the festival was being held. "Hey! Slow down will you?! We still have some time!" I hear him say but I ignored him.

☆ Time skip ☆

We did a lot of activities, it was pretty fun being with Kakashi. It was almost sunset and the fireworks were about to start. Me and Kakashi then went to go find a place to sit and watch. The fireworks were starting, me and Kakashi found a place to watch. The Hokage heads. We saw a lot of people watching from their roofs. The fireworks where held outside the front gates. Mostly it was hosted outside the gates and on the outskirts of it. I sat beside Kakashi and leaned my head onto his shoulder. "This was fun right Kakashi?" He looked at me, "Yeah." The fireworks started and everyone was cheering. I held Kakashi's hand, Kakashi did kind of flinch but he let me. I simle.

Happy Valentine's Day -Weird

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