☆ Chapter 18: Wedding Mission Part 2 ☆

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☆ The day of le wedding has started ☆

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☆ The day of le wedding has started ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

It was morning already and I could hear everyone talking and getting ready for the wedding. I jumped off my bed and went to go and wake up Kakashi. I shaked Kakashi, "Hey, yo, Kakashi! Wake up today is the day!" Kakashi slowly opened his eyes. "How are you already awake?" He asked me and got up to get ready. "I'll use the washroom to go and get changed while you use the bedroom." He said as he got his clothes and headed to the washroom. I then shut the door and locked it. I started to get changed. I got to say these clothes look nice!

(Credits to Dragon Raja for these clothes):

☆ Kakashi's clothes:

☆ Your clothes (but the skirt is up to your knees)

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☆ Your clothes (but the skirt is up to your knees)

☆ Your clothes (but the skirt is up to your knees)

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(Ignore the swords on the back, lol).

Like damn I look nice in this hehe. I'm so hot. I then got out of the room and saw a makeup artist and they told me to come to them. "Hello dear, please sit down, I will start doing your make up ok?" They said as I sat down on the chair while Kakashi walks out of the washroom, sits down and waits for the makeup artist to be done.

☆ Time skip ☆

We went to the place were the wedding was taken place outside, and wow it was beautiful! There were blossom trees that made it even more beautiful. I was so amazed.

(What it looked like):

It did look nice not going to lie here

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It did look nice not going to lie here. Me and Kakashi took our places to walk down the aisle. Good thing it was a solo walk.

☆ Skip the part where they do activities ☆

☆ Time skip at night ☆

After the wedding was done, oh boy how my feet hurt. Heels, yeah not my style. At first it wasn't painful but after a lot of walking and standing it started to hurt a lot more. I carefully walked back to our cabin to pack things up, but I was a little too slow 'cause I was struggling. God help me.

☆ End of POV ☆

☆ Kakashi POV ☆

I was walking back to our cabin behind (Name), and she looked like she needed help since she told me earlier her feet hurts. I decided that I should carry her, it's the least I can do instead of seeing her "suffer" right? I'm just trying to be a gentleman, I guess. I walked up to (Name) saying "yo," making her jump. "Do you need help?" I asked looking at her. "No thanks I'm good," she said walking slowly. "Okay, sorry but I can't take no as an answer." I said. "Wait wha-" before she could say anything I scooped her into my hands, bridal style. "Hey! Put me down!" (Name) pouted moving a lot in my arms "Would you stop that? Do you really want to walk then?" I asked making her go silent. "Okay, good." I sais carrying her into our cabin.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

Kakashi placed me down on the bed, then I took off my shoes and told Kakashi to go away so I can change. So he did.

☆ Time skip at the Hokage's office ☆

We reported to lord 3rd about the mission, he nods and dismissed us. Then after we left we ran into some friends. Kakashi was way behind. "Oh hey!" Obito said waving at you. "Hey Obito! Soo hows Rin?~" I said with a little wink. "H-huh?!" Obito stuttered with blush on his cheeks. "Hey (Name)! Good to see you again!" Rin said hugging me. "I heard that you and Kakashi were on a mission to a wedding to be guards right?" Rin questions. "Yeah why?" I asked confused. "O-Oh nothing!" She stuttered while I am still confused why everyone is stuttering.

I turn around and see Kakashi walking up to us. "Hey Kakashi you slow poke!" I say running up to him, as Obito and Rin followed behind. Obito was running to fast and bumped into me. "Oh SHOOT! Sorry (Name)-" then Obito saw something that he could never unseen, so did Rin.

I was on top of Kakashi while both our lips touched, but Kakashi had a mask on. I started to blush a lot and then got up and clench my hands into a fist. I slowly turned. "OBITO!" I yelled looking like Kushina when she was mad. "I think you should run Obito-" Rin said patting his shoulder. Obito ran for a head start. Then I ran after him and started to chase Obito around the village.

☆ End of POV ☆

☆ Kakashi POV ☆

Me and Rin watched as (Name) chased Obito around the village. "Sooo, Kakashi~ How was that kiss of yours eh?" Rin said bending down while crossing her arms at me. I blushed. "Uh I-I don't know." I stuttered a bit. "I know you liked it~ hehe~." Rin cooed, I blushed even more. Damnit Rin shut up will you?! "Just pretend that didn't happen okay?" I got up while dusting off the dirt on me. "Right~." Rin cooed again. Oh please shush Rin.

☆ End of POV ☆

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