Pick up

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I don't know how long I have been walking. I didn't want to look at my phone in fear of wasting the battery. I just kept walking. The more distance I put between me and the house the better. 

The vibrating from my phone scared me so much, I drop my phone. I scramble on the ground to pick it up. "Hello?" 

"Rachel!" Kori's voice is shaky. "We are on the road. Stay where you are. Gar will be going into the woods." 

I sigh and just sit on the ground. "Finally. I kind of just kept walking." 

"Rachel, please do not hurt yourself." 

I look over my arms, and down at the legs. "I don't know if I did. I do have some scratches and bruises." My phone vibrates again. My battery is at 15%. "Kori my phone is about to die, i need to keep it for Gar." 

"Stay safe Rachel." The phone went silent. 

I move over to lean against a tree. I close my eyes and listen to the forest. I could hear birds, the leaves, the wind. It was peaceful. I shiver. I didn't even notice it was a little cold. I guess it would make sense, it is fall. 

I suddenly hear twigs and leaves crunching. I quickly slip into a bush. I speak through the dead leaves and spot a figure with green hair. Gar! 

I stand up and Gar turns around. "Rachel. You scared me." 

I climb out of the bush and walk over towards him. Gar looks me up and down. He brushes a hand against my cheek and then pulls some leaves out of my hair. 

"You have looked better Rachel." Gar smirks. 

"I mean, as long as I have my boots, I think I look good." I look down at my dress. It was torn in so many places. "White was never my color anyway." 

Gar offers his hand and i take it. We quietly walk out of the forest back to his car. Kori jumps out of the car and gives me a tight hug. Richard is in the back of the car. Gar leads me around to the passenger door and I get in. 

Gar gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. He looks over at me. "Don't worry Rachel. I'll take you to the headmaster's house. No one would dare to break in there." I nod and lay my head back to close my eyes. I could finally rest easy.

I am sorry for the long wait. I had some interviews and I wanted to prepared for them. This was a small chapter but I promise Gar and Rachel will get more dialogue together.

I kind of just wrote this story because a fanfiction I was reading hasn't been updated for over a year. I didnt expect people to actually read it. Give me some feedback. This story has more views than my jacksepticeye fanfiction and I am curious as to why. My other story I actually planned out and I'm kind of winging this one. So give me feedback on this story and if you would like, go read my other story and give me feedback. I am not the best writer but something is making you read.


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