Meet Up

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Felix and Damien were already seated at the table. Ethel was placing food on the table, but I couldnt care to actually look at it. I just wanted the dinner to by quickly so I could go back to room. I wanted to talk to Gar about this new knowledge. I was too scared of my father at the moment to do anything. I picked at my food but I didnt have much of an appetite. 

"Raven!" I jumped and nearly dropped my fork. I look at my father. "Did you hear the good news?" i shake my head and look around the table. "Felix and I will be combining our companies together. To show how faithful we are to each other, we will marry our children." My eyes go wide. I glance at Damien who is smiling and then look back at my father. He was giving me a stern look. 

I couldnt speak. I didn't know what to think. I just started university, and now I learn that my father has signed away my life to someone I just met, without my permission. Damien seems nice, but my interests lie elsewhere. 

My father continues talking with Felix since I stayed silent. Damien continues eating and I just sit there. I didn't want the food on my plate any more. I take a sip of my water and place my napkin on the table. I look over at my father. "May I be excused?" He nods with approval at my manners. 

I slowly walk out of the room. Once I reach the stairs, I practically run up to my room. I close my door behind me. My phone is still on the charger. I unplug it and unlock my phone. Gar sent me a few more messages. Instead of reading his messages, I press the call button. The phone only rang once. "Rachel?" 

"Gar, can we meet at sunset?" 

I hear other voices. "I was going to bring the gang with me. Kori wants to do a bonfire." He pauses and I hear him talking to others. "Victor and I can be there early. Dick and Kori are going to go into town for wood, and snacks." 

"Thanks Gar. I just really need to get out of this house." 

"What happened?" Gar sounded concerned. 

I sigh. "I'll tell you when we meet up. I want to calm myself before sneaking out." 

"Sneaking out where?" Damien is standing in my doorway. 

I immediately hang up my phone. "Nowhere." I put my phone in my lap. 

Damien raises an eyebrow. His green eyes were intense. "Raven. If your sneaking out, I want in." I shake my head. "Would you rather I follow you then? I heard that you wanted to meet up at sunset." 

I flip on to my back. "Fine. I'm going to meet some of my friends in the woods." 

Damien closes my door. "How did they find you out here? Your father doesn't seem like the kind to give the address to just anyone." 

I sit up and hold up my phone. "My friends are good with electronics. they turned my tracking on, for them only of course." 

"Of course." Damien repeats. "So where will we be meeting them?" 

"You will have to follow me. We made a system." Damien doesn't look confident. "It will be a little lighter out so it should be easier to find." 

"Ok sureee." Damien sits back on my couch. 

For the next 45 minutes Damien and I sat in silence. I was glad, I really didn't feel like talking. I tried to do breathing techniques to calm myself down. I didn't want to go meet my friends all worked up. My drama shouldn't ruin our time together. 

My phone vibrates and Gar sent a message saying he and Victor are at the spot. I look out the window. the sun was going down. Damien looks at me. "Ready to go?" 

I put on my combat boots and nod. I open my window and look out. I climb out onto the trellis and jump down. Damien looks down at me and shakes his head. He does the same thing I do and lands on his feet. He grabs my hand and says, "Lead the way." 

I slowly make my way through the woods. I keep walking and moving branches out of the way. It quickly got darker. I started tripping over tree roots again. Luckily, I found the tree with the ribbon quickly. We turn and continue walking. 

Finally, we made it. The place was just as beautiful tonight. Victor and Gar were spreading blankets out in a different spot away from the river. Victor looks over at us and smiles. Gar turns around smiling but it quickly turns into a frown. I realize I am still holding Damien's hand. I quickly let go and wave at them. 

Victor walks over and gives me a fist bump. "You guys are a little over dressed for a bonfire." Victor points at Damien. "Who is this?" 

"Damien." I glance at him. "He will be staying with me for a while. He will also be joining us at the university." 

Victor holds a hand up. Damien gives him a high five. "Welcome man. Find a seat. Dick and Kori should be here soon with the fire wood." 

Damien and Victor start talking about sports. Gar is standing near the river staring at the last sliver of sunshine. I walk over next to him. I give him a hip bump. "Whatcha thinking about?" 

Gar looks me over. "Why did you bring Damien?" 

I shrug. "I didn't have much of a choice. He overheard me talking on the phone with you and wouldnt take no for an answer." I poke Gar in the side. "Besides, I figured he could use some friends that he can talk to at university." 

Gar looks over at Damien. He is laughing at something Victor probably said. "Yeah I guess your right." Gar looks me over again. "I like how your combat boots compliment your dress." 

I punch his shoulder. "This was the dress code for today. I was wearing heels earlier, but my boots are so much better. I'll probably have blisters tomorrow." 

"Well good thing you dont have to walk far." Gar brushes his hand against mine. "Having a babysitter means they drive you everywhere." 

I frown. "I'd rather be back on campus with you and our friends." I lean against his arm. "I have never had friends like you. I actually can stand talking to everyone." 

Gar chuckles. "Yeah, that's how most friendships are." 

"Rachel!" I hear Kori's voice almost scream into the night. Kori tears me away from Gar and brings me into a tight hug. I could smell her coconut scented shampoo in her hair. "I have missed you." She says as she pulls away.

Dick waves as he comes carrying firewood in one hand and a bag in the other. I wave back but Kori starts to drag me towards the blankets. Kori sits down next to me and Gar sits on the other side. Damien is across from me. Victor and Dick are in the process of starting the fire. 

Kori wanted updates that I just didn't have, so she babbled about her classes. She made a few new friends and she was still excited about dating Dick. The dorm is suspicious of them, but Dick does a good job at hiding the relationship from the other residents. Dick would lose his position if the resident director found out. 

The fire lit and our little spot is flooded with light. Dick and Kori break out the marshmallows and begin roasting them. Victor sticks probably three or four on at once trying to make a huge one. 

Gar scoots a little closer to me. He starts to make weird noises in my ear. I give him a look and stick my tongue out. He gets close again. "What was bothering you so much earlier?" 

I take his hand and get up. I walk with him over to the river again. Instead of talking, I embrace him. Gar doesn't pull away. I had a feeling he would respect my decision to wait. I don't know how to tell him. Do I tell him I have feelings for him first, or do I tell him my fiance is sitting next to Victor? 

Gar kisses the top of my head. I take a deep breath. Gar pulls back to look at me. I look at his eyes and start to stand on my toes. Our lips meet, but the moment didn't last very long. 

"Hey!" We both turns towards the voice. Damien is standing up, and looked very angry. "Get you're hands off my fiance." 

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